» Chapter Forty One «

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Amber's Point of View~

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing i noticed was how my face was slightly pressed against someone's chest. I shifted slightly as I heard the person whine a little. When I looked up slightly I saw it was Mark who i was cuddled up against. I blushed as I looked down on my hand.

I tried remembering how I even fell asleep. Then i remembered that me and him were watching episodes from Miraculous and I must have fallen asleep while watching at some point and I guess here I am. That's when i felt him move in his sleep as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning Mark." I said reaching for his fluffy hair with my hand as I stroked it a little which seemed to make him feel relaxed as he yawned.

"Morning Am." He said in his much deeper morning voice which seemed to catch me off guard.

"Damn! Your morning voice is much deeper than before!" i said as he chuckled softly.

"I guess it's cause i am still a bit tired." he said pulling me a little closer making me flustered.

"I feel like we should get up." i said but he wasn't letting me go.

"A few more minutes. It's too early..." He said groggily as I sighed.

"Fine but you better wake up or I will have to hit you on that pretty face of yours with a pillow." i said threatening him as he chuckled a little.

"Nice to know you find my face pretty." He said as i stayed silent blushing a little.

"Hush!" I said nuzzling into his chest a little while hiding my face a bit.

We stayed like this for a while. I could feel him playing a little with my hair as I stayed still. This type of feeling was practically new to me. I never really intended to fall in love but he changed that the minute I met him.

"Your hair's really soft..." I heard him mumble as I giggled softly.

"Says the guy that has floofy hair." I said as he chuckled.

"Guess you do have a point but I just spoke facts." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"You really are that bold enough to go and compliment me huh?" i asked as I felt him shrug.

"Only with you." he said and I could feel him smirking. 

"Yeah... I think I am gonna get up now." I said as I saw him pouting a little but he got up slowly nonetheless as I checked the time to see it was nearly eight in the morning. 

We decided to split and go to our rooms to change. i entered my room to see everyone was still asleep. I guess today is a bit of a lazy day for everyone. I don't blame them. We have been waking up very early for a while now.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now