♫ Do you want me crawlin' back to you? ♛

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From this part onward from the book I am planning on writing oneshots which is based on my OC, Amber Liliana Stevenson, oneshots canon to the story here like you could say aftermaths of the story which I will write AFTER the story ends, some DSMP oneshots, Origins SMP oneshots and most definitely spinoffs which I am planning on writing when i don't feel like writing actual chapters lmfao!

Oneshots will have only one chapter as usual!

Spinoffs will most likely have 2-5 chapters at best or just one chapter out of pure laziness!

Reason I am doing this is because I have grown attached to this book and I don't feel like stopping anytime soon!

It will mostly consist of some CelesteBoo related stuff since y'all love those very much!

CelesteBoo will take place in all the mentioned oneshots and spinoffs I am planning on doing!

Some oneshots and spinoffs may consist of angst or fluff which depends where i am going with life atm!

I will also be doing headcanons for Amber and Riley and possibly Anne and Addie!

I may also write oneshots for "other ships" (*cough* CapriBo *cough* FoolAnne *cough* and *cough* AddieInnit *cough*) since y'all won't be getting a second book from me anytime soon or at all cause I am lazy as heck and am not sure anymore!

Anyways please enjoy cause it took me some time to contemplate all of this and I have decided to do it!

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now