» Chapter Four «

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Amber's Point of View~

Before I knew it English class was over which meant I had to go over to another class which was Physics and honestly that's one of my strong subjects along with Chemistry and Math. before I could go out of the classroom, I heard Miss Greene say something.

"Miss Stevenson? Can I talk to you for a bit?" She asked as I looked at her and nodded as I went up to her.

"So I have seen how you have started to talk to Mark so I was hoping if you could show him around the school since he's new and all? It would be really great if you did." She said as I nodded.

"Sure Mrs. Greene." I said as she smiled.

"Alright! You can go along now. I don't want you to be late for your next class." She said as I nodded and headed out of the class to see mark standing beside the doorway.

"You were waiting for me?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah considering I don't really know around the place that well so I was hoping you could help me?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah sure! I was actually assigned to do this just now. Can I see your time table?" I asked as he handed me his time table as I compared it to mine.

"Huh... we have the same subjects except for Extra Curricular which you can pick out later to join if you are interested in any." I said handing him back the time table.

"That's cool and I will see to that later. What Extra Curricular are you in exactly?" He asked as we walked to physics.

"Um... well I am in the music club and I play the piano" I said as he nodded.

"That's actually cool." he said.

"Yeah I really like playing it. It's one of my favorite instruments besides the guitar." I said.

We both made small talk until we reached physics and as usual sat by each other. Our teacher, Mr. Moore entered two minutes later in the class and started to teach us about astrophysics which was pretty interesting to say the least.

Just like that two more classes went by until it was lunch and when it comes to lunch I mostly sit by myself. Back when Riley used to be here, we would always sit together but now it's just me. Though if Mark plans on sitting with other people, I really don't mind cause I am somewhat of a loner in this school right now. 

I brought my tray of food to my usual table as I looked around. As I was I didn't notice someone coming up to my table and sitting beside me until I heard the sound of a tray being put beside me as I looked beside me to see Mark sitting there.

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