» Chapter Forty «

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- Note -

Not me who tried to remember what I was supposed to write next!

Yeah I nearly forgot and before you say anything, no I do not need to write them down!

It's all in the head! >:D

Amber's Point of View~

"Yo what?! You two are together now?!" Crumb said slightly yelling while shaking me by the shoulders.

Yeah we are and do you mind not shaking me?" I asked as she stopped.

"Sorry! But seriously that's the greatest news!" She said.

"In all honesty, I feel bad for slapping him. I was just really pissed." Aimsey said as I shook my head.

"I don't blame you but that slap really stung a lot for him." I said snorting a little.

"So how was your first date?!" Crumb asked jumping up and down.

"It was really great in my opinion. He's a really sweet guy and of course a true gentleman as usual." I said speaking facts.

"He's a really nice guy and I am glad he found someone who loves him as much as he does for you." Aimsey said leaning back on her chair of a coffee shop.

"So what are you guys up to now?" Crumb asked as I shrugged.

"Nothing much. We're planning on going Christmas shopping later today. One thing I can vouch is that we will have way too many presents under the tree since there will be like thirty to thirty four from all of us so yeah we're planning doing something about that." i said.

"Wait... Thirty four each?" Aimsey asked confused.

"The bench trio, me, Addie, Riley and Purpled are also getting you, Crumb, Bill and Freddie presents." I said.

"You don't have to do this for us." Aimsey said as I shook my head.

"Nah! You guys are invited to come to our Christmas party which we are going to be holding on the 24th of Christmas." I said.

"That's very considerate of you guys." Crumb said as I smiled.

"Your welcome and you guys are our friends so of course I'll always remember to invite you to these things." I said.

"I can literally see why Mark had a crush on you. You're so sweet and nice and always thinking of others before yourself." Crumb said as I giggled.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now