» Chapter Twenty Two «

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Amber's Point of View~

Today was the Team Seas Event which was taking place at the moment. While some of the Dream SMP members were collecting trash in the seas, I was literally doing my own way of earning money to donate to Team Seas.

The number of people donating money to me was insane. I really loved how people were being so kind as to donating all this to Team Seas. People really need to appreciate the aquatic life more considering it is slowly dying because of us.

I was currently mining away as I was collecting some diamonds and iron for something I am making back at my house. I was also looking at the board which showed who was first, second, third and so on.

Right now Foolish was on the lead while Hannah was pretty much slowly catching up on him. I really didn't care who won. Though one thing to note was that Ranboo and Tubbo weren't here. The reason they weren't here was because they were all hanging outside with Aimsey, Billzo and Badlinu! They seemed to be having a pretty good time with each other to say the least.

Speaking of which, we also have the three new members on the SMP now. They are TinaKitten, BoomerNA and Tommy's school friend, Eryn. I was honestly surprised to see him but at the same time I was cackling cause I could tell what Tommy's reaction was going to be.

Right now I was flying over with my trident to find any woodland mansions to get myself some treasure, find one or two totems and basically commit arson on the mansion on the way. I was able to find an untouched mansion and broke in and was straight away attacked by a vindicator.

I was able to kill these vindicators off as I slowly looked through chests to find a golden apple and an enchanted apple in separate chests. Then I slowly looked through rooms for evokers until i found one but this was quick and was summoning vexes at me but luckily I killed them off with normal boy and the evoker and got myself a totem of undying.

I then looked around only to find another one and went through the same thing and got a second totem. I put it all in my inventory and after I gave last look around the place, I got out the flint and started to set fire to the place from the inside and then later a bit on top and escaped as I waited for the place to burn.

I looked at the leaderboard to see that somehow Hannah had won. I wrote congrats in the minecraft chat as I walked away from the burning house only to see Dream appearing behind me and giving me two shulker boxes. One was Blue and the other was Purple and then he left as i took the shulker boxes and flew over to two more mansions.

Up until now, I had gotten seven totems in total as I flew towards my house which was located near Techno and Ranboo's houses. i quickly got inside as I went down into a room and got out a lever from a chest and opened a secret room where I had things kept in such as totems and other goods.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now