» Chapter Twelve «

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Dream's Point of View~

I was currently in a VC with George, Sapnap, Puffy, Niki, Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Purpled, Phil, Wilbur, Techno and Anne.

We were basically discussing on the future lore of the SMP but at this point, we were nowhere and I already know that Tubbo had done improvised lore with Ranboo, Quackity, Foolish and Purpled so that was one thing that was done.

"I feel like we should add one last person to the SMP who may have some ideas. Someone who's also good at PVP." Phil suggested.

"Yeah that's actually a good idea Phil." Wilbur said as a few agreed and honestly I agreed to that as well considering the person might have interesting character to help with the storyline. 

"Okay but who should we add?" I asked as there was a bit of silence as people thought about it until Puffy spoke up.

"Hey! Why don't we add Celeste to the SMP?" Puffy said as I nearly choked but covered it up and I knew Sapnap and George were also on the same level as me cause they knew who Celeste really was.

"Celeste as in CelesteCloud? That would be poggers man!" Tommy said agreeing with Puffy.

"She's a good choice actually so I think we should." Ranboo chimed in as I sighed.

I got a few agreements besides from Sapnap and George who basically knew my situation but no one took any notice of their silence. I know that my sister didn't want to join the SMP cause she wanted to grow on her own but at the same time I didn't see any other choice but to agree with them.

"Okay! CelesteCloud it is! I'll DM them to see if they are up for it and if not we'll have to think of something else." I said as everyone replied with an 'okay'.

We all talked for a bit more until everyone eventually left except George and Sapnap who I seriously needed to talk to cause of this.

"I know I shouldn't be doing this for the sake of my sister but what other choice do I have? I know for a fact Tapl wouldn't want to join cause he said so himself that he has no interest in joining." I said as there was silence on the other ends.

"Maybe try talking to her about it and maybe persuade her to join but if he doesn't then we'll somehow have to continue the SMP." George suggested.

"It's worth a shot Dream. Just try and talk to her about it." Sapnap said as I stared into the distance before letting out a huff.

"Okay sure. Let me see what I can do." I said as I got out of the VC after a bit and went towards Amber's room as I stood outside and knocked on her door.

Amber's Point of View~

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now