» Chapter Thirty Four «

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- Note -

This chapter was a bit inspired by skylitdreamer's Ranboo x OC book and hopefully this will be the last time I am taking inspiration from a chapter cause I wanna be as original as possible but I don't know what else to do so I am taking a bit of inspo to make my story big but not too big! 

Honestly in my defense I love her book which gave me the inspo to write mine but of course I am doing most things originally while a few chapters are inspired by other books! :3

Also I can hear you guys screaming and later basically wanting to throw Tommy out the house in this chapter! XD

Amber's Point of View~

The next five days days went by a blur in some cases. Connor left early yesterday cause he had some family problems to deal with which left only twenty nine of us. Eret asked my brother if it was okay for her girlfriend to stay with them the entire dream smp meetup and of course he let him. 

Did I mention that Eret has a girlfriend? Yes I did! Apparently he's been dating his roommate Elaina since last year. They made it public only recently after they were comfortable enough to do so. I was glad to see many people being supportive of them. If they weren't I would have smacked them upside down the head.

So basically Fundy moved in to be roommates with Jack so Elaina and Eret could be in one room together. Overall nothing changed but we did miss Connor though. It was fun to have him around but of course we had to understand the situation he was going through.

The past five days we did lore streams on the dream smp or just went to the park and hung out or something. Also not gonna lie my brother can be pretty scary when he's roleplaying cause dang he made me scared when I was watching Tommy's lore stream.

Right now I was hanging out with Crumb and Aimsey. We were technically walking around the streets of LA. I honestly did miss hanging out with them since I have become good friends with them and also did promise to hang out with them at some point.

"So how are you and Guqqie doing?" Crumb asked Aimsey.

"Oh we've been well. I am really glad that our relationship has been gong well so far and Ranboo didn't steal her away from me or anything." She answered while joking about the last part.

"Yeah I do remember him trying to do that." i said as all three of us laughed at the memory.

"Speaking of relationships, what about you and Ranboo?" Aimsey asked me as I blushed and looked away quickly.

"It's fine but we aren't a thing yet. I am still kinda messed up with my feelings for him." I said as Crumb patted me on the back.

"You'll figure it out eventually. Though you two would make a good couple." She said looking proud.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now