» Chapter Twenty Five «

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There are many reasons why I love Ranboo!

Reasons being his personality, his humor and him being an overall nice person that will always make you smile whenever someone mentions his name!

Guys like him are very rare!

Also I know Ranboo went to LA and met up with some folks like Tubbo and I am trying to make this book slightly realistic as possible so yeah I might have to change many things up like the LA trip so I've decided to cancel the UK one cause I realized it won't make sense later on but I won't be changing what I wrote two chapters ago cause I will be doing something about it in this chapter!

You guys have no clue how many times I changed many parts of certain scripts and plans I had for this book just to make it seem like it's happening irl and in the book!

Amber's Point of View~

We were currently walking home from school which ended a few minutes ago. It actually ended an hour early because of some issues that had taken place so the teachers let us off for the day so right now we were heading home until Mark spoke up.

"Do you want to go to mall? I really don't have anything to do for the next three and half hours." He said as I nodded. I too didn't have anything for that amount of time.

"Sure. Can you drive though?" I asked.

"Yeah I got my license when I was seventeen here so I can totally do that." he said which made me surprised.

"How come I didn't know about that?" I asked.

"You never asked plus we would mostly walk to places." he said as I sighed and nodded.

"True. I am gonna head home real quick and change and I'll meet you back in front of your house." I said bolting towards my house as he stopped in front of his and went inside. 

"Oh hey you're back!" I heard Clara say as I flashed a smile.

"Yeah and I gotta go and change real quick! Where's Clay and Nick?" I asked.

"They went outside to the electronics store to get something real quick. Where are you going?" She said and asked.

"I am gonna go to the mall with Mark. See ya later and don't let any strangers inside!" I warned her as she hummed in response as I went to my room to shower and change.

I picked up my phone to see a message from Mark saying hat he's outside his house with a car which I replied by saying I'll be there in a few. I quickly went downstairs and wore my shoes as I stepped out and locked the door behind me and jogged my way over to his house.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now