𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 #𝟐 ➸ 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐𝐈𝐀+ 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥

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🏳️‍🌈CelesteCloud/Amber Stevenson - Asexual; She/Her

🏳️‍🌈Ranboo/Mark Anderson - Unlabelled; He/They

🏳️‍🌈RileyTheCapricorn/Riley Addison - Bisexual; She/Her

🏳️‍🌈Tubbo/Toby Smith - Unlabelled; He/Him

🏳️‍🌈DreamWasTaken/Clay Stevenson - Unlabelled; He/Him

🏳️‍🌈GeorgeNotFound/George Davidson - Biromantic/Bisexual; He/Him

🏳️‍🌈Addie_LIVE/Adeline Monroe - Pansexual; She/Her/They/Them

🏳️‍🌈Anne_Cora/Annalise Monroe - Unlabelled; She/Her

🏳️‍🌈Eret/Alistair - Genderfluid/Genderqueer-Bisexual; He/She/They

🏳️‍🌈ElainaEXE/Elaina - Bisexual; She/They

🏳️‍🌈Niki Nihachu/Niki - Pansexual; She/Her

🏳️‍🌈Captain Puffy/Caroline - Bisexual; She/Her

🏳️‍🌈Eryn Cyberonix/Eryn - Bisexual; He/They

🏳️‍🌈Aimsey/Aimee - Lesbian; She/He/They

🏳️‍🌈Guqqie - Asexual, Bisexual; She/They

🏳️‍🌈Crumb Cuptoast - Unlabelled; She/He/They/It

🏳️‍🌈Billzo/Billy - Bisexual; He/Him

🏳️‍🌈Badlinu/Freddie - Bisexual; He/Him

🏳️‍🌈Kayla Garcia - Omnisexual; She/Her/They/Them

Headcanon Scenarios!

- Amber always wore her Asexual Pride flag on one side of her shoulder which is mostly the left side and she basically helped Mark put on his unlabelled flag on his right shoulder so they could stand side by side together with their flags on opposite sides.

- Tubbo and Riley both help each other draw their respective small pride flag colors on both sides of their cheek and it sometimes ends up in them splattering color over each other's shirts and their giggles.

- Aimsey and Guqqie had been couples for quite some time so they would always go to pride parades together and enjoy the rest of the day as a date.

- Dream would openly ask George to go out with him on a date during pride month just to show how much of a loving, caring and strong couple they can be no matter the gender or the gender they are dating.

- Foolish being the supportive boyfriend he is (and basically still questioning himself) is always sending Anne messages about Pride and stuff and wishing her as well.

- If Foolish or Anne are either in each other's towns, mostly Anne coming to Ohio, you better your money that Foolish will take her out on a date during Pride cause that's how much of a sweet boyfriend he is.

- Eret and Elaina basically win the best couple award cause they are the best bisexual Genderqueer couple ever so how can you not love the two so of course these two will spend their days at a Pride Parade.

- Niki and Addie are both Pansexual so of course they would hang out with each other like a couple of best friends and would help paint each other's cheeks with their pride flags and do a stream together.

- Tommy being the token straight friend and boyfriend of the Cricket Crew, would very much show his love and support for Addie who he has grown to love as a friend to something much more, making them a couple.

- Puffy, Anne and Niki would definitely hang out with each other like good friends during pride month and would go shopping together, have lunch, go to salons to get their nails done as the same color as their flag and basically just crack jokes with each other.

- Tommy, Freddie and Eryn have been good friends for a very long time so of course they would hang around and mess about with each other like good old times and talk about their days together.

- Amber, Mark and Billzo (aka the sunglasses trio) will basically be doing streams together on pride month considering Bill mostly crashes at their place where they are living and all.

- Kayla recently came out a few months back as Omnisexual and Amber being her only friend would support her along with Mark and her and Amber would spend talking to each other at a cafe and this conversation would mostly be about Kayla's new girlfriend who is very sweet and sometimes they would agree to bring their partners for a double date.

- Anne, Dream, Tubbo and Ranboo (aka the unlabelled gang) would basically do streams together even though they are in different countries but a good old zoom session and VC doesn't stop them from going feral on stream together and making chat go nuts thinking Dream is dating George or he isn't dating George or he has a partner and it's kind of the same with Tubbo.

- Ranboo and Aimsey's friendship is basically like a proud father with his son going out and about to spend time on pride month and get stuff related to pride and mess about.

- The Cricket Crew (Amber, Riley, Crumb and Addie included) along with Guqqie and Purpled who they persuaded to tag along with them would just be hanging out at a restaurant talking about their lives and how they have been so far and of course their first day of pride month won't end with them not taking a group photo for memory's sake.

- A/N -

I basically made up the sexuality for Serena and George since I'm not aware of their labels and such so just think of it as headcanons!

I honestly wasn't planning on doing anything this month till my exams ended but I wanted to do something to show my support as a Straight Ally for Pride Month so here it is! :D

Also sorry if the headcanon scenarios are trash and not something you guys have expected but I tried my best to make it wholesome as possible! ;-;

If I made an error in pronouns and such please let me know cause I don't wanna cause problems!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please Vote, Comment, Read and Enjoy!

Peace Out!


Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now