» Chapter Sixteen «

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- Note -

Please read the A/N at the end cause it's pretty important!

Warning: Slight swearing!

Amber's Point of View~

~Start of In-Game Lore~

I was leaning against a tree with my bow in hand as I watched the sky slowly turn from dawn yellow to morning blue. With that, I continues on my journey to my destination which was the Dream SMP.

The place which was once built by my step-brother, Dream. I am not a huge fan of him the way I was before hearing the things he has done. How do I know? I have Drista who tells me everything that's going on there.

I continued walking. It was a smooth journey with no mobs in the area so I was pretty much good for the time being. I saw that I had reached a path which made me think that I have nearly reached the lands.

As I walked down the path, I heard rustling on my right. I immediately thought that there was a zombie so I nocked my on to my bow and sent it flying and saw the figure dodge but not without letting out a large scream.

"What the f*** man!?" I heard a person say which i assumed was a male voice.

The figure stepped out of the shadows and I saw it was indeed a male who had messy blonde hair with blue and was wearing a white and red shirt with khaki colored pants and sneakers and looked pretty much like he came back from the afterlife.

"Who are you?" I asked calmly as the male put her hand up in defense.

"Calm down woman I was just passing by until I saw you! Also who are you?!" He asked in a slight loud tone.

"You can call me Celeste. Just asking but is this the Dream SMP?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah it is! It once belonged to this green b**tard named Dream but he's now in prison!" He said with a pretty proud face.

"Ah... She wasn't joking when she told me all this. My brother did really mess this place up good..." I said as crossed my arms over my chest as the male had a shocked face.

"Wait... Dream is your brother?!" He asked as I nodded.

"Pretty much. You must be the famous TommyInnit if I am correct?" I asked as I made his pride come back.

"Yes I am THE Big Man TommyInnit! How did you know about me?" He asked.

"My little sister who visits this place tells me about everything." I said.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now