» Chapter Forty Eight «

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Amber's Point of View~

I wish next morning didn't come by so quickly. I really just wanted to sleep in but considering my clear cut attendance and not wanting to get on the teacher's bad side for no apparent reason I had to. I was legit shook awake by my brother.

"Am come on! It's time to wake up! You have school today." I heard him say as I groaned in annoyance and tiredness.

"Fine fine. I'm up just give me a few moments to get ready." I said as I sat up slowly as I saw Clay leave the room.

I sighed and got up from the bed and stretched before going over to the bathroom to take a quick shower before brushing my teeth and quickly getting ready. Before I went down, I looked down at my ring.

I seriously didn't want people to know things yet so I took it off and my necklace as I hung the ring around it and wore it again only to put it under my neck so people don't see it properly. After that was done, I grabbed by bag and phone and went downstairs to see breakfast was already served.

"Morning sis." I heard Clara say.

"Morning to you to Clara." I said taking a bite of my scrambled egg. 

"All I am gonna say here is good luck with whatever you're gonna go through hell now." i heard Sapnap say referring to me.

"That's the only thing I have to deal with." I said gulping down my food.

"Do yourself a favor and kick Emily and Jason's a**es for us." I heard my brother say as I nodded.

"That's the plan." I said as I finished my food and quickly went over to brush my teeth and right as I was finishing up, I heard the doorbell go off.

"I'm getting it!" I heard my brother holler as I heard him run like his life depended on it as I finished up everything and went to the living room to see Mark sitting and waiting for me.

"Morning Am." He said getting up from the couch as I picked up my stuff.

"Ready to go?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yep! Let's go." I said giving him a smile.

"Have fun at school you two." I heard Dream holler from the kitchen.

"Whatever you say 'dad'!" I said jokingly making Mark snicker a little.

"Must be nice to have your brother act as a father figure." He said as I rolled my eyes still smiling.

"Well you're not wrong about that." I said as I let out a sigh as I remembered something.

"Before you say anything, I still have the ring with me." I said pulling out my necklace which had the ring hung around the chain to show it to him.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now