» Chapter Thirty Nine «

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Amber's Point of View~

The rest of the day yesterday night went by a blur. Though I was literally questioned why Mark was yet again asleep on the couch and I had to explain by saying that I found him sleeping there and decided not to disturb him since he seemed exhausted and made him stay like that so of course no one bothered him and left him be.

I checked the clock to see it was currently seven in the morning. I still have problems with my sleep schedule but of course all of us do and it's not even concerning anymore. I slowly got up from my bed and went over to my suitcase and quickly found some clothes to wear for the day.

I quietly closed the bedroom door behind me and walked down the hallway to the bathroom to quickly change. I tied my hair in a low and loose ponytail as I got out and walked down the stairs and entered the living room to see Mark still sound asleep there on the couch.

I still remember how he had confessed to me yesterday. I don't blame him for lashing out like that two days ago. I shouldn't have been like that towards him in the first place. I decided to wake him up since it was morning and he slept for a really long time.

"Hey Mark? Wake up." I said gently shaking him by the shoulder as he groaned a little.

"W-what time is it...?" He asked in his morning voice which is slightly deeper than his real one.

"It's practically seven in the morning plus you have been asleep for a while now since yesterday. You seemed exhausted so no one bothered waking you up." I said as he slowly opened his eyes which met mine as I smiled.

He slowly started to get up in which I helped him to sit up straight. He looked really tired to be honest but hopefully it was just the fact that he isn't much of a morning person that got to him today.

"God... I feel like sh*t." He said as I snickered still not believing the fact that he swears.

"Don't we all?" I said as it made him smile.

"Yeah... I guess you're right." He said slowly getting up.

"I'm gonna go to my room and quickly change." He said turning the other way as he left the living room.

I sighed getting up from my crouching position and heading over to the kitchen to make coffee for the both of us. Honestly, I was getting concerned for myself since this is the third time I have drank coffee in a week and normally I don't.

As I was done making it, I felt someone hugging me from the back and noticed that it was Mark. By the looks of it he seemed slightly tired and very clingy at the same time. I didn't mind but it was kind of funny seeing him like this.

"Still tired?" I asked as he nodded slightly while resting his chin on my head a little.

"Yeah." he said simply.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now