» Chapter Twenty Six «

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Amber's Point of View~

It's been four days. Four days since Riley's face reveal. Four days since our holidays have started. A day since Ranboo went to LA already along with Mark who went on a holiday with his parents. Right now I was alone in my room with my three suitcases. A day before I got LA.

I was nervous. Nervous the fact that I will be meeting up with many people face to face. I have looked up to them a lot and they have been my motivation to do streaming in the first place and my brother was the one who helped out.

I took a few deep breaths as I exhaled along with it. It was currently 9PM and I am supposed to be going to sleep so I can wake up at 7 in the morning and get ready since my brother would be taking me to the airport along with Sapnap and Clara.

I finally calmed down as I turned off my lights and laid down on my bed as I closed my eyes so I could fall asleep. It was a bit hard but I was eventually able to doze off. The upside of the meetup was meeting Ranboo and the others along with seeing Riley again so I know I have to meetup with them!

After what felt like forever I felt someone gently shaking me as I groggily opened my eyes to see it was Clay who was doing so. This meant that it was time I get ready. Good thing I packed my bag along with the two suitcases.

"Sapnap's almost done making breakfast. Get ready we'll leave in a few after eating." He said leaving my room as I slowly got up.

I headed to the bathroom as I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then I quickly got out and dried my hair and wore my out fit as I stuffed my mask in my pocket and put my sunglasses in my sunglass case and headed downstairs to see my luggage by the door and my backpack on one of them. 

I saw that Sapnap was done serving, so I went over and sat down as I started to eat my breakfast quickly like everyone else since the airport was a bit far from our current location. After I finished, I brushed my teeth and wore my shoes and before going outside I checked if I had all my sanitary needs and all.

After checking everything I opened the door and rolled down my luggage near the car as my brother came running from behind and helped me put them at the back of the car. Later both Clara and Sapnap came as I sat in the passengers seat while Sapnap and Clara sat at the back.

After a while, my brother got in the drivers' seat after locking our house door and started to drive the car. It was pretty much silent most of the time or my brother would start listening to his own songs form time to time. Sometimes they would just talk about random things.

"Hey Am? You nervous?" I heard Sapnap ask as I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah kinda. It's my first time without you guys so it's going to be a bit scary but exciting since I will be meeting people." I said honestly with a small smile as I felt Clay give me a small pat on the shoulder.

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