» Chapter Fifty One «

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Amber's Point of View~

I hoped that Monday wouldn't come around so soon but I was very much out of luck when I woke up the next morning to realize it was Monday. Today was gonna be the start of a much bigger hell knowing Jason was coming back today.

I didn't wanna go to school and face him at all so early so me and Mark decided that we reach school ten minutes before classes start so we don't have to deal with him much but I don't know if this plan would work but it is worth a shot.

I decided to get up at the time I set my alarm clock at as I got ready and packed my stuff quickly and headed downstairs and went to the dining room to see Mark sitting there with Clara and Sapnap.

"Good morning sis." I heard Clara say as Mark turned his head to look at me.

"Good morning Clara. Good morning to you as well Mark. Surprised to see you here." I said sitting next to him.

"Thought I'd have breakfast here for the day. Plus you know what day it is..." He said trailing of at the last part as I nodding as I huffed out.

"Yeah..." I said as Clay served us both as we started to eat. 

We slowly but quickly finished eating our food and got ready to leave after washing up. I really wished Jason didn't come back after a year or at all but of course he has to cause he is legit studying and here I am finding ways to expose him so he can possibly get expelled for good.

"We're gonna be alright. Let's just try to avoid him as much as possible." I heard him say holding my hand while rubbing circles on with his thumb.

"Yeah... I just... I don't know anymore. After learning the truth it just makes my blood boil even more..." I said clenching my left fist as I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself.

"I know. It's the same for me." He said as we continued to walk towards school.

We reached school in a matter of minutes and only had seven minutes before classes start. The worst part was not having the first period together so we had to go our separate ways. I entered the classroom to see a few students were already here.

I checked the clock to see we had two minutes before classes start. I looked over at Kayla who seemed to be looking very weary for some reason. I decided to go over and talk to her and see if she is alright.

"Hey Kayla? You okay?" I asked her which seemed to snap her out of wherever she was in her head.

"H-Huh? O-oh yeah I am okay." I heard her say but she still sounded very nervous.

"Lemme guess? It's because a certain student came back from the muck?" I asked her as she hesitantly nodded.

"I guess that's it." I said looking over to the far end of the classroom to see Jason talking with his friends.

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