» Chapter Forty Four «

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- Note -

All I can say is that I won't write anything sketchy for the time being!

I am saving those for later! >:D

Now just enjoy the fluff and normal chapters!

Amber's Point of View~

"Details! Now!" I heard Crumb say coming over to our table with a tray of Starbucks drinks and putting down on the table as she sat down.

It was becoming an unhealthy habit of coming to Starbucks whenever we need to talk about stuff whether it be my love or something else. Right now it was how our triple date went and if Tubbo had confessed to Riley yet.

"Okay so basically me, Guqqie, Mark, Amber, Tubbo and Riley went to the movies which was Serena's idea to go and watch the new Spiderman movie." Aimsey started.

"Oh gosh that movie tore me apart." Crumb said looking depressed as I stifled my laugh.

"Same to be fair." I said.

"Oh and then Tubbo suggested that after the movies we go to the arcade and boy you should have seen Mark at the dance machine." Aimsey aid continuing as I laughed at the memory.

"Oh dang he's good isn't he?" Crumb asked as I nodded.

"He's very good. Got higher points than Tubbo. Speaking of Tubbo, he confessed to Riley and now they are a thing." I said adding it as Crumb jumped in her seat.

"Yessss!!" She said cheering. I was so glad to be sitting outside.

"Then lastly Amber suggested we go to Pershing Square which was by far the greatest idea since the place was filled with people and it was well decorated." Aimsey said showing a picture of us taking a selfie to Crumb.

"I went there yesterday at around five. You guys made the right choice to go there." Crumb said giving the phone back to Aimsey.

"Yeah but then we had decided to split with our dates to different areas. Me and Guqqie decided to go look around at the small shops that were set up there ad Tubbo and Riley were most likely taking in on the view of the place while Amber and Mark were practically just walking around and stuff." Aimsey said as I snickered slightly cause it was true that we didn't do much other than get caught under a mistletoe which I didn't say anything about.

"Speaking of which, are you sure that you and Mark didn't go around and see or do anything?" Aimsey asked looking at me as I got a little nervous.

"What? Nah! We mostly just walked around the place and got caught up in the crowd and just sat down in a bench and just talked." I said somehow keeping a straight face.

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