» Chapter Thirty «

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- Notes -

This chapter is mostly the recent Dream SMP Finale Lore along with some added lore for my character and scenes that never took place in the actual one so uh mild spoilers I guess!

I know I know that Ranboo and the rest are going to Florida now but I am not changing anything anymore cause I am fed up plus I have a valid reason so I will be changing up stuff from here so no more irl crap for the time being or probs never idk!

That's all!

Amber's Point of View~

~Start of In-Game Lore~

I sighed as I slowly started walking up the steps. I didn't want to be involved in Techno's plan on breaking my brother out of prison but he said it's not about that right now so I decided to hear him out but I was not going with breaking my so called step-brother out of there.

I was walking with Niki towards the Syndicate meeting area. It was nice walking and chatting with Niki since she's like a mother figure to me. We eventually reached the place and where going down the steps to see Phil waiting for us.

"Hey!" Niki said greeting them first.

"Hullo!" Techno said as Phil followed.

"Long time no see you two!" He said as I nodded.

We eventually sat down on our located seats but when I looked around I saw Ranboo wasn't here. Wasn't it an emergency meeting for all of us? I could tell Ranboo isn't gonna join in on getting Dream out but he should at least be here.

"I haven't seen you guys in a while." Niki said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah it's been a long time." Techno said before getting down to business.

So apparently from what I heard from him just now was that Ranboo was taken away by Sam into the prison after Sam attacked him. Why did this even happen on his birthday. We all decided to save Ranboo while Techno also gets Dream out which I won't be participating in.

"Hey Techno?" I said as we rode our horse through the Nether.

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"Can I come with you? I am just going to break Ranboo out while you do what you want with Dream." I said but I only got the negative response from him.

"It's best if you don't since I don't want people to get the worst idea out of you thinking you came with me to free Dream." He said and I didn't bother arguing since it was useless.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now