» Chapter Forty Six «

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Amber's Point of View~

The rest of the days of our meetup had gone by fast. Right now we all were packing up our stuff so we all could go back home. I honestly dreaded for this day to come but the meetup was fun while it lasted.

"Are you done packing everything up Clara?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yep! Just have two sets of clothing to put in." She said as she got to work as I sighed.

I sighed and looked at the suitcase that had my streaming equipment. It was a hassle putting it together and putting it back in the suitcase. I was done packing and was just waiting for the others to finish up so we could leave.

"Hey you guys done?" I heard someone enter the room and it was Phil who came in.

"Yeah! I just have to put some things in and we're good to go!" Addie said stuffing the clothes in her bag.

"Okay. Whoever is done with packing I suggest you guys start handing them to me so I can take them down with Techno." He said and then we saw Techno entering the room as he and Phil took the suitcases along with Addie's since she was done as well.

I got up from the bed and looked around the room one last time to see if we were leaving anything or not. Once that was cleared, we all went downstairs as I saw how empty the place was looking. Mainly because everyone was leaving even Bill, Aimsey, Guqqie, Crumb, Freddie and the others we saw during New Years Eve.

I looked around for a bit until I decided that it was best to leave since Wilbur had to give away the keys later and I couldn't make them late for their flight. I walked down the front steps closing the door behind me as I locked it and gave the keys to Wilbur.

I looked up at the sky and then saw Mark, Tommy, Tubbo, Addie, Purpled, Drista and Riley waiting around. I smiled and came towards them. I was gonna miss Riley since she just lives in the flip side of the world.

"Hey Am you good?" I heard mark ask as I nodded.

"Yeah just... I don't want to go back home yet but we have no choice." I said looking down.

"I don't blame you really. I am not ready to go back either." I heard Purpled say who seemed equally upset as me.

"But you know how it is. We do have to return at some point." He said.

"I am gonna miss everyone here really." Tommy said upset as well.

"Hey! At least you have me. I ain't leaving any time soon." Addie said cheering him up.

"Of course I know that." Tommy said smiling a little.

"And you have me." I heard Mark say as he put an arm around my shoulders making me lean closer to him as I laughed.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now