» Chapter Thirty One «

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- Note -

So apparently I learned that this book made a person cry! ._.

I am not saying who but I didn't know this book was worthy of making a person cry cause idk!

So I guess I am happy but y'all better get your tissues when the angst crap starts or idk-

Amber's Point of View~

I was basically awoken by my phone ringing. I groggily sat up and grabbed my phone as I accepted the call and put it on my ear.

"Hello...?" I said as I heard Mark speak through the other end.

"Oh you're awake? I thought I had to call you multiple times." I heard him say with a playful tone as I got up from bed yawning.

"Yeah I was slightly awake anyways." I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Well at least I awoke you cause we have to go and have breakfast in a few and Bill and Aimsey will be joining us since they stayed over last night at Tubbo's room." He said as I nodded.

"Yep okay. I'll get changed real quick." I said still feeling slightly sleepy.

"You okay?" I heard him say.

"Yeah. Just sleepy as heck for some reason. Guess this is what happens when you pull an all nighter with friends." I said as Mark snickered through the other end.

"Yeah. I am gonna end the call now so you can get ready. We do leave the hotel to go to the AirBNB with Wilbur and Niki since they are coming to pick us up." Mark said as he cut the call off.

I took a quick shower and got changed into what I planned to wear today. All my suitcases were halfway packed since I washed all my clothes except the recent ones but I can wash them later. I grabbed my phone and exited my hotel room to see mark already standing a few feet away from my room.

We both waited for Tubbo and Riley. Bill and Aimsey were already downstairs so it was just them. After they all came we went down the elevator together. When we reached the lobby we saw Bill and Aimsey talking with Crumb and Freddie who waved at us the minute they spotted us.

"Hey Crumb and Freddie. Are you joining us for breakfast?" I asked as they nodded.

"Yep! I am glad you came cause this guy was annoying me." Crumb said pointing at Bill.

"What did I do?" Bill said trying to act innocent.

"Dude please you literally tried blaming me and Aimsey when you literally Billzoned her entirely." Mark said as we all laughed and headed towards the dining to get breakfast.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now