» Chapter Forty Three «

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- Note -

I know very well that I am torturing you guys a lot with a bunch of chapters that give off of ominous vibes!

Really sorry but this is how I have scripted the book to be and don't ask me why!

I guess you could say I am becoming an angst enthusiast!

Also have some fluff!


Ranboo's Point of View~

The morning started out pretty well. Though the worst part about waking up was finding yourself on the floor and not on the couch. Luckily I didn't hit my head or anything and somehow rolled off the couch on my back. I don't know why but I've been rolling off the bed or in this case the couch a few times but not all the time.

Right now we were opening presents and making a huge mess out of the living room. I basically got a cool sweater from Karl, a plushie from Crumb and a whole lot of other things from many other people and all of them were really nice gifts.

Right now, I was holding my present for Amber who was exchanging her one with Aimsey. I decided to wait around a bit until i saw Amber picking up another gift and getting up as she walked up to me and sat down in front of me with a smile.

"So I am guessing you were waiting around for me?" She asked as I smiled.

"Yeah i guess you could say that since you were the last person that I am yet to exchange gifts with." I said.

"That's good to hear. Here you go." She said passing me her gift as I did the same.

"Do you want to open first or should I?" She asked me as I shook my head.

"You go on ahead first." I said hoping she would like my gift. 

She slowly opened the wrapping making sure not to rip it like I have seen her do. Good to know I am not the only one that tries to be careful when opening wrapped presents. After she was done unwrapping the gift she opened the box and had a look of surprise.

"Are these...?" She trailed off as i nodded.

"Yep! I decided to get us couple rings. The white ring with the yin symbol is for you while the black one with the yang is for me." i said as she looked at the rings and smiled.

"I really like these. Thank you." She said taking out the Yin ring and putting it on her ring finger on her left hand as she picked out my ring and looked at me.

"Want me to put it on your finger?" She asked as I nodded.

"Sure." I said lending her my left hand as she put it on my ring finger as she did a small clap.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now