» Chapter Twenty Three «

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- Notes -

This chapter is mostly Ranboo's/Mark's Point of view!

Yes we've seen too much of Amber's now we'll see his cause I said so! 

Also Mark x Amber content in this chapter and I need a proper ship name for them (Marber? I don't know-)!

Ranboo's Point of View~

It has been four days since my eighteenth birthday. Today was the day I was leaving. I wasn't able to give Billzo a proper goodbye since he left a day early but I was at least able to say bye to Tommy, Tubbo, Aimsey, Badlinu and the others I have met. Right now I was in the airport.

I said my sad goodbyes to Tubbo and his family before I went to my flight gate. It was painful leaving them to say the least but I know I'd come back here some day again soon. I eventually boarded my plane and went over to the Business class seats as I sat on the one which was beside a window.

I sighed as I took out my phone and decided to text Amber just to let her know that I have boarded the plane and it was going to take off soon in which she replied with a smiley face and a see you soon. I quickly put my phone in my pocket as I looked outside the window.

This was going to be a thirteen hour flight which meant that I would be coming home late at night or something. I decided to make the most of it out of this flight by taking a nap or just watching something on my phone later or here. Then the pilot let out an announcement that the flight as been a delayed a few minutes or probably two hours cause of some problems so that meant that it would take me

The plane finally took off as I looked out the window. The clouds looked really pretty. I took a picture of it through the window and quickly posted it on Twitter. I put it away as I decided to tell my parents that my plane took off and it will take me at least 13 hours to come back. My parents and sister already came back two weeks ago.

I did miss my family and my dog back at home. The person I missed the most was Amber. The first thing I wanted to do was come over and hug her and hang out with each other like we used to. Man it has been a while since we went to Jocelyne's diner together.

Also somewhat happy to come back to school physically even though I have been doing my work through the computer this whole UK trip whenever I got the chance. I just hope I don't come across Emily or Jason cause those two can take a walk in hell for all I care.

One thing I have to worry a bit about is the fact that a meet up is gonna take place thanks to Dream. It's gonna be a huge one to say the least. But of course Dream is doing it when all the schools will be closed and maybe make the meetup happen in late-mid November or something which I am not sure but we should be getting the date and location for it.

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