» Chapter Forty Five «

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Ranboo's Point of View~

I seriously couldn't believe how quick the year was ending. It hasn't even been a month since I started dating Amber but it just feels like months had passed and we have been dating for a year. I was glad to spend my days with her even if we haven't started dating for long.

Three days ago it was Riley's seventeenth birthday. We decided to surprise her in the morning which was in her words, the best birthday she could ask for and the fact that she had Tubbo who was her boyfriend to make her more happy.

Today was the 31st of December. New Years Eve to be exact and I couldn't look forward to 2022. It just feels surreal to me. I know I am definitely not the only one thinking about this. Though it felt like we were day close to leaving LA which i didn't look forward to at all.

I did the Ranboo recap thing that I had told my fans I was planning on doing yesterday which I did and it was the best stream I ever did and it reminded me of all the good memories I made with everyone.

Right now it was two in the afternoon and I was just resting my head on the back of the sofa and staring up at the ceiling. I wasn't sure what to do even though we were gonna have a camp fire tonight at and we were inviting over Captain, Kara, Ted, Sneeg, Aimsey, Bill, Freddie, Crumb, Serena and 5up.

Our backyard was probably the biggest place you'll ever see so it was enough for setting off fireworks. I couldn't wait to see everyone there to celebrate the countdown of New Years. Fireworks were something I was most looking forward to.

"Hello?! Earth to Mark!" i heard someone say snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked to the side to see Amber as I fixed my posture a little.

"Hey uh sorry i was kinda spacing out." I said feeling a little awkward as she sat down and rested her head on my shoulder.

"It's alright. We all space out at some point." She said and I could hear her smiling making me smile as I leaned my head on hers a little.

"Yeah... I just still can't believe the year is ending in a few hours." I said sighing.

"Yeah I feel you on this one. It feels surreal doesn't it?" She asked as I nodded slightly.

"Yeah. It felt like I have started dating your for months when it's just been a few days only." I said laughing a little.

"Yeah I guess so." She said as hummed in response.

We stayed like this for a while in silence. It was a good kind of silence really. Just us taking in everything that has happened so far in our lives and how the months had gone by so quickly that it just doesn't feel right. I let out a sigh as I looked out the window.

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