» Chapter Fifty Four «

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- Note -

So from what I heard recently that Ranboo came out as unlabeled on Twitter and is it bad that I always saw him as a guy who wasn't straight at some point in time? XD

Also before anyone says anything, I wrote this book before his sexuality was revealed and he said that he is unlabeled as in he doesn't want to label him self as such cause he's exploring it but doesn't mind people labeling him as Gay which basically means I am very much okay with continuing this fic and since he said he's okay with whatever except NSFW so I am good to go!

I am just pointing this out cause I don't want people attacking me in the comments saying he only likes men or something and that he's gay when he clearly said that he's unlabelled with a preference of people labeling him as gay! :^

But if he came out as gay, I don't see anywhere is his boundaries that he isn't okay with x oc or x reader fics that have a female pronouns for the reader or an a female oc so I am fine till now!

Anyways enjoy this chapter! <3

Ranboo's Point of View~

I slowly woke up to see it was already morning. In all honesty, I don't remember when I fell asleep again but I do remember Amber was with me but now she isn't. In place of her was a note which I picked up and carefully unfolded to read.

Dear Mark,
You're probably reading this once you woke up but by the time you did, I left. Sorry to leave you without waiting for you to wake up but I had to leave for a bit since it was kinda of urgent. But I hope you're feeling a little better. I'll see you later once I am back!
- Amber <3

I smiled as I folded the paper back and kept it on my dresser and grabbed my phone. The minute I opened it, I had many notifications from both Twitter and Discord. Was my inactive-ness really something people got worried out of.

A few messages were left by Phil and Wilbur asking me if things were okay and then separate DMs from Bill, Aimsey, Crumb, Freddie, Tommy and Tubbo. Heck even Niki and Sneeg sent me a few messages asking if I am okay.

I decided to answer Sneeg, Niki, Phil and Wilbur that I am alright and I am just taking a break and apologized for not responding sooner. Then I looked over at the other six messages and I knew they would want an honest answer out of me so I created a small group for those people only and added them one by one.


Billzo: What's up with the new group???

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now