» Chapter Seventeen «

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1 and Half Months Later~

Amber's Point of View~

It's been months since I have met Ranboo. One and Half months since I have joined the Dream SMP. One and Half months since Ranboo met up with Tubbo in the UK and One and Half months since Riley moved to the UK. Things have been pretty eventful for the past few days to be honest. 

My brother has been working with this singer called Alec Benjamin. I knew him pretty well since I listen to his songs and whatnot and right now he is collabing with my brother for a song he wrote.

Speaking of my brother's new song, I was only allowed to hear a snippet of the song along with Drista, George and Sapnap. Now the problem was when George posted that tiktok of him with the song and him twerking too. Now it's forever gonna haunt me and I can't unsee it too.

Though right now I am at school and this time I am alone yet again. You're probably wondering, where is Mark? He pretty much isn't here with me cause he had to go abroad cause it was a family issue and such. I haven't seen him for a month ad half now and it's pretty boring.

I was currently in a boring Bio lecture and looking at the time every now and then and as if my wish came true, class was finally over. I picked up my books and tidied my desk before leaving the classroom.

"Remember to finish your assignments before the deadline!" Our teacher told us as I left the classroom and went to my locker.

I am kinda glad Jason stopped coming after me cause if he did I would have seriously punched him in the jaw. I put my books away and headed to the cafeteria as I got my lunch and sat down at my usual table and only this time I am pretty much alone so that's that.

I took out my biology assignment and started to do it cause I didn't feel like doing it at home plus I wanted to stream so yeah. It was an easy assignment for me considering I study while I see a few of the students getting in trouble for not doing it or something.

As I was doing it, I felt someone coming at my table and I slightly looked up to see it was Emily. I rolled my eyes as I continued writing and not giving her any attention until she slammed her hand on my desk as I looked up at her.

"Do you mind? I am trying to study here." I said making her feel more annoyed.

"Where is Mark?" She asked as I raised a brow.

"And why is that any of your concern?" I asked back as I heard her growl.

"Just tell me where the f*** he is b**ch!" She asked aggressively as I rolled my eyes at her.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now