» Chapter Eight «

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- Notes -

Okay so like I heard Ranboo revealed that he lives in California in his recent stream!

So I want everyone to know that this book was written before that thing was revealed plus I could just make Ranboo in the book move from Cali to Florida!

Thanks for your time!

Amber's Point of View~

Today was the day! The day I would be playing Among Us with a bunch of people that I have looked up to so much. I was pretty nervous to say the least. After stopping at Mark's and waving him goodbye I sprinted towards my house as I got in and quickly opened my shoes and ran up the stairs to my bedroom.

I decided to finish my homework so I don't have anything to worry about during the weekends. As I was in the middle of doing so I got a call from discord as I took m phone out to see it was Ranboo. I accepted it as I was greeted by him.

"Hello Celeste!" I heard him say.

"Hello Mr. Boo! What's up?" I asked as I was writing down my math answers.

"Eh nothing much just bored and thought I would talk to you for a bit before we streamed Among Us. We have like three hours left so yeah." He said before changing the subject.

"What are you doing at the moment?"

"Oh! I am finishing my homework so I don't have to deal with it during the weekend." I said as he chuckled.

"Same here. Homework sucks." He responded as I nodded.

"Tell me about it!" I said laughing as he joined in.

We continued to talk with each other for hours as we both did our homework. We eventually finished it but decided to chat with each other for a bit more before we had to go and start streaming.

"Anyways I gotta go eat something considering we have an hour and thirty minutes so I will see you later?" I said as he hummed in response.

"yeah sure I gotta go too considering I was supposed to help my mom with something so see ya!" He said as we said our goodbyes and I closed discord. 

I got up as I went down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I looked through cabinets and the fridge if there was anything to eat. I settled on eating the leftover mac n' cheese from last night considering I was too lazy to make anything.

I microwaved the entire bowl as I sat down on the table and started to eat it as I looked through twitter posts. I already saw that MCC teams were announced. My brother was teamed up with CaptainSparklez, Quackity and GeorgeNotFound.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now