» Chapter Five «

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Ranboo's Point of View~

Me, Tubbo and Tommy were currently playing in the Origins SMP as we were talking about random stuff and upcoming lore for the Dream SMP. Though my mind would sometimes go back to Amber.

She sounded familiar like I have heard her somewhere but I can't seem to put a finger on it. I shrugged it off thinking that it was probably nothing and went back to paying attention to my game.

"Hey Ranboo?" I heard Tubbo say.

"Yeah?" I replied back continuing to mine some diamonds.

"I just remembered that you just had your first day at a new school. How did it go?" He asked.

"Oh uh.. it went great actually. Though I was nearly late considering I was a bit lost and all. Oh and I also made a new friend." I said as I smiled.

"Really? That's cool!" He said.

"Is it a woman, Ranboo?" Tommy asked and honestly the one thing he would most likely ask all the time.

"Yes Tommy it's a woman and uh fun fact, I got her number too." I said smirking as Tommy was silent and left VC

This made both me and Tubbo burst out in laughter as we saw Tommy cursing me out by whispering to me in the SMP. After a while Tommy joined VC but I knew he was pretty angry at me for this.

"How does Ranboo get a woman's phone number before me?! All women love me!" He said as I chuckled.

"I don't know Tommy. I just think luck was with me today." I said with a smile as I noticed just now that Celeste was streaming. I basically thought of raiding her later after I was done with streaming.

"Hey Ranboo?" I heard Tommy say.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"The woman you simp for was live a few minutes ago and still is." he said while I was internally dying when he said that.

"Tommy I swear to god I don't simp for her like that." I said and to make things worse my chat started to spam 'Simpboo'.

"Tommy be glad that you are literally on the other side of the world cause if you weren't I would have hunted you down and punted you." I said as Tommy let out a laugh. God I have to live with this now.

Amber's Point of View~

I was basically mining some diamonds as I talked. It was a pretty chill stream with me messing around by myself while getting resources and other stuff so I can later beat the enderdragon after finding the stronghold.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now