» Chapter Thirteen «

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Warning: swearing and technically not good language and basically just drama-

Amber's Point of View~

"I never knew the day would come where I say that I hate school." I said as Mark walked along beside me as I glanced at him to see his attention towards me.

"That's totally understandable considering the amount of homework we had gotten to do during the weekend. My fingers hurt afterwards." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah. Yet here I am going to school because I have to." I said letting out a huff.

"I am actually surprised that you don't even plan on skipping it at all." He said as I shrugged.

"There's like a less chance that I'll be skipping school. I don't plan on getting a bad rep anyways." I said as we reached the school entrance. 

We had to go our separate ways since our lockers were in different places and I kind of wished that my locker was next to Mark right now cause I saw Jason coming my way and I quickly had take everything out so I didn't have to deal with him. But upon closing my locker I saw that he was already here. This day just had to get worse.

"Hey Amber." Jason said and I just felt like dying inside.

"F*** off Jason." I said giving him a glare.

"Hey now! Let's not get aggressive shall we? I am serious on asking you out like literally cause I really like you." he said as I just felt like punching him but that would just get me in trouble.

"Oh yeah? Then why do I see going after other girls?" I said eyeing him.

"Oh don't worry about that it was just to make you jealous. There's nothing going on with me with them." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that cause I know how you are and I am not interested in you." I said sternly as I saw him get annoyed.

"You like that tall guy? What's his name again? Mathew?" He said as I was so close to giving him a punch across the face.

"His name is Mark and we are just friends but if I were to pick between you and him, I would choose him." I said as I steadied the books on my arms.

"Oh I know you don't mean that." he said as he came to close towards me. Too close for my comfort.

Before he could do anything, I stepped on his feet real hard that he yelped and backed away as he held his foot up while feeling very hurt and this made me smile.

"You b**ch!" He yelled as I flipped him off while everyone looked at me in shock.

"See ya never a**hole." I said as I put my finger down and turned around to see Mark who looked pretty stunned with my action.

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