» Chapter Twenty One «

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- Notes -

Ranboo's birthday was on the 2nd of November! 

I always thought of him as a Scorpio but I never thought it would be true! :D

The fact that he's not a minor anymore and is a legal adult makes me sad but yeah!

I hope he had a good Birthday Stream!


Amber's Point of View~

"A Dream SMP Event?" I questioned as I scratched the dyed part of my hair.

"Yes! It's for a charity event called Team Seas! I am sure you heard of it?" He said as he gave me a plate of bacon and eggs and then proceeded to give two more plates to Sapnap and Clara.

"Yes I did. So what's the event?" I asked as I put the fork in my mouth.

"Well basically different individuals will be getting a different river were there will be collecting trash and the person that collected the most trash will win an Elytra!" He said.

"An Elytra huh?" I muttered thinking how this will be affecting the Dream SMP storyline in ways considering the End is banned and all plus i had no use for an Elytra so I didn't wanna bother myself in it.

"I think I am gonna sit it out. I really don't have any use for the Elytra. I might as well do donations only for Team Seas on that day while mining and stuff on the SMP." I said finishing my breakfast.

"Okay if you're sure but I'll still give you a shulker box or two later." He said as I nodded getting up from my seat and putting it in the dishwasher.

"Anyways I gotta go. I have a face came stream in an hour so see ya!" I said walking up the stairs to my room as I wore something comfortable and quickly set up my web cam.

Then I looked around for my Blue sunglasses and Black mask. Luckily I found them and carefully wore them. I was glad that the shades of the sunglasses were black so no one could see my eyes. I quickly set my bottled water and put it on my desk as i checked the time to see I had only thirty minutes and that was when i got a discord call from Ranboo.

"Hello Ranboo." I said as I turned on my PC.

"Hey Cele! Are you excited?" He asked as I smiled.

"I am as well as being slightly nervous too." I said honestly.

"I get what you mean. It was nerve wracking for me too! You'll eventually do great as always! I'll be watching your stream and so will Riley, Eryn, Tubbo, Purpled, Addie and Tommy." He said making me feel better.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now