» Chapter Twenty Seven «

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Warning: Mentions of facial dysmorphia (remember y'all are beautiful and so is Ranboo)

Amber's Point if View~

On normal days I would tend to sleep in or not even bother waking up but today was the day me, Riley, Tubbo and Ranboo would be going to CashApp along with a few others. Right now I was calling Mark simultaneously from my phone since he wouldn't pick up and the fact that we have to go soon. After attempting for the tenth time he picked up the phone.

"Hello...?" I heard him say grogilly from the other end.

"Rise and shine Genderman! Good to know you haven't died on me!" I said yelling through the phone.

"You know you could just wake me up like a normal person by ringing my doorbell and not call me at least ten times in a row right?" He asked.

"That was what I wanted to do at first but then I remembered how you woke me up yesterday so I decided to pay you back!" I said giggling to myself.

"Well I guess I can't argue with that. I am gonna go and change. You guys can go ahead and go have breakfast while I do so." He said.

"Don't worry we'll wait for you!" I said as I hung up.

I tied my hair into a low pony tail which hung on my side while a few pieces of hair stuck out on my side which i didn't care much. I grabbed my phone and wore my shoes as I left my room and headed towards Riley's room and rung her bell and waited till she opened it.

"Oh hey Amber! Perfect timing! Tubbo is already at the dining area waiting for us. Where's Ranboo?" She asked.

"He's getting ready and told us to go already so are you ready?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yep! Let's go!" She said closing the door behind her and walking towards the elevator.

I pressed the button as we waited for it to arrive. It took a while but it eventually had come to a stop and was now coming up to our level. After a while we heard a ding and the doors opened as we went in but the minute we did, we heard his voice chime in.

"Wait for me!" I heard Mark call out as I held on to the open button as he got in and quickly pressed the close button as the elevator descended.

"Glad I was able to catch up to both of you." He said.

"Yeah and if you were any minute late we would have left you." i said which made him in return flick my forehead.

"Ow!" I said as I punched him in the arm and flipped him off as he did the same back to me.

"You guys are cute together." I heard Riley say which made me slightly blush.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now