Regarding recent events... [A/N]

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This will probably be the last A/N before i get back to writing this book

First off I'd like to talk about the Punz situation. His allegations started because Andi had come out saying how Punz was very toxic towards her and in reality both sides were toxic since andi doesn't accept his apology so it's toxic on both ends in the end. honestly happy how he responded well and i hope things get better for him.

Now the fake Tubbo allegations... honestly wtf- the person who made these allegations said that this was a social experiment as people believe allegations really quickly- tbh it's true that people believe allegations quickly without hearing out both sides (more on this later) but nobody asked for this cause the community is already in a state of panic- so don't cause anymore panic istg-

Now lastly, george... Honestly his allegations were the most confusing. Firstly from what i've seen people are saying george is innocent and caiti lied. now i'm not gonna go into much cause the fandom is divided right now with how they either believe him or they don't but considering how many mcyt jumped the gun and started accusing him like Aimsey, snifferish, BoomerNA, ConnorEatsPants, SneegSnag without hearing his side kinda messed up but ig it's understandable with what wilbur soot's shit assery has started so yeah the fandom is really messy right now...

Honestly idk who is saying the truth and who lied when it comes to george and caiti but so far i'm seeing people believe george over caiti while some are still accusing george... so like- idk- it was a misunderstanding apparently... I've already said i do not give a shit about dteam since dream allegations came out so yeah don't expect to see them in the coming chapters still but this drama was just- wtf man... wilbur is very much not even smth to talk about- he done f*cked up bad-

anyways i'm done so peace ig-

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