» Chapter Thirty Three «

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- Note -

Okay so I learned from a commenter that Aimsey uses all pronouns but has a preference for she/they and I am really sorry for the people I may have annoyed by only writing she/her pronouns so now I will be using her preferred pronouns from now on!

Also I basically learned that Eret and Elaina are dating and they made it public recently so I am gonna bring her back at some point and if you're wondering where she is then don't worry she will come back since she's just staying somewhere else for the time being! :P

Also this chapter was yet again inspired by a Ranboo x OC fanfic called Faceless by skylitdreamer so yeah credits go to them! :)

Amber's Point of View~

I slowly opened my eyes as I blinked for a few minutes to adjust to the light in the room. I slowly shifted a bit as I looked at my surroundings. I literally just remembered that we were watching a movie last night and I must have fallen asleep.

I looked at the living room to see that Dream and George were literally cuddling together along with Karl and Sapnap. I saw Techno had fallen asleep in one corner of the floor and Eret was sprawled on a couch along with Connor on the floor beside him. Wilbur, Fundy and Jack were literally falling off the couch. Charlie and Quackity were sitting up and sleeping.

Then I looked to the other side to see Purpled and Clara asleep in their respective places along with Tubbo and Riley basically sleeping close to each other. This is technically the same with Punz and Boomer, Foolish and Anne, Addie and Tommy along with Puffy, Niki, Hannah and Tina. Kristen and Phil weren't in sight which probably meant that they woke up or they went to their room for the night.

That's when I realized that I was leaning against someone. I lifted my head slightly as I felt someone shuffle beside me. I looked over to see it was Mark who had been resting his head on mine while I was leaning on his shoulder.

I poked him slightly to wake him up. He seemed to be mumbling in his sleep so I continued to poke him until he slightly reacted and opened his eyes while blinking for a bit as he slowly sat up straight and looked in my direction looking sleepy still.

"Oh... Good morning Am. Did we fall asleep here...?" He asked quickly looking aorund for something which was his phone as he turned it on.

"It's nine in the morning." He said as I nodded.

"When did I fall asleep?" I asked with a low voice so I don't wake up the others.

"You fell asleep halfway through the movie. I am kind of glad you did cause you needed to sleep." He said as I rolled my eyes.

Do I Wanna Know? ~ A Ranboo x Fem! OC Story || Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now