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I'm Having Your Baby, and It IS Your Business 💁

Harry's POV

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was check my emails and of course—my messages.

I scrolled through the texts from last night and clicked on Louis's icon.

Still no reply.

He has seen it though. Could he have been too hungover to respond? I carded through my hair as I sat there, nervous.

Thank God I had no lectures scheduled for today—because I probably wouldn't have any time to prepare for it anyway—with all this stress and all.

I just hope Louis comes—if not, I'd be screwed.

So screwed.

This would be embarrassing in my part, and actually—horrible all in all. I'd be a single dad...and still in uni. I know it doesn't sound as horrible as it is because—I don't really have that much of a problem raising it anyway.

I have money—support from my family, my mother? I guess? I haven't talked to her for a while now—maybe through texts.

And my father.

I still don't know much about that—the situation right now. Since Tom knew about the baby—who isn't his, my guess is that his first instinct would be to tell everyone about it. I mean—he was pissed. Anyone with a pair of eyes could not deny that. He was ready to tear me apart.

But somehow—I haven't heard much. Nothing from the tabloids, media—nothing.

It was strange. It's not very like him. Tom may seem like a decent guy, but at times, he could be selfish.

Okay, what am I saying? He's a total dickhead. I've always known that.

I don't really know why he's still keeping himself from telling my father. This—this could be a good way to blackmail him, considering—from what I know, our family benefits from them, and not the other way around.

Tom could easily ask his father to back out from whatever deal they have with my family, but now, I think that this deal couldn't be one sided after all.

After all this time, I thought we owed their family, but from how Tom is acting, I guess what I thought was wrong. This is probably the disadvantages of not allowing myself to know stuff about our family business. I literally have no idea what's going on, and I just follow along like a lost puppy.

Either way, I haven't been feeling good about my father—like this thing he did for me and Tom. At first, it was great—since I can't really find anyone good, and I thought that maybe my father could help me with that aspect of my life through—his arrangements.

I haven't done the greatest help in the business so I guess—maybe, through these arrangements, I could help the business and also find love at the same time.

But so far, I've only gotten myself into trouble, nothing else. I know.. it's stupid. The reasons that I have for all the idiotic things I've done.

Right now, I can't allow myself to linger in the past—now that I have a baby...that I wasn't really planning on having. I feel bad for thinking this way, but it's the truth. I'm definitely not ready, and I need someone—someone who can help me prepare myself through parenthood.

I know Niall will always be there, but it's not like I should always depend on him. I should remember that he's got his own life too.

If Louis doesn't come, I'm fucking done. Perhaps, I'll just—

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