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"Are you crazy? I won't do that!" Harry's eyes suddenly bulge.

He remembers the time Mrs.Tippy caught him putting a caterpillar in his classmate's bag. He spent the whole day staying in the corner and wearing a silly hat.

He's never done any funny business ever since.

"Why? It would be sick! We'll meet the cool older kids and we'll be the coolest in our class." Niall encourages, his eyes lighting up while doing so. "I don't know...Niall."

"Come on! It will be fun playing with the older kids' playground. They probably have a trampoline. I saw one when I was looking through a hole behind the fence."

Harry's mind is confused as heck. He didn't want to AT ALL but something inside him is telling him to go with Niall.

"I—maybe—okay, fine." Harry finally says yes. His brows still furrowed while he bites his lower lip. "Yes! Oh my gosh! Okay, You wanna do it now?"

"W-what? N-now?" Harry asks, his hands getting extremely clammy. He's never done something so—rebellious in his whole life. The only thing he's ever done was—once again, the caterpillar thing, only because Niall dared him to and he had NO approval of it at all...but he still did it anyways...just because—it's Niall.

"Yes! Can't you hear? Now come on! I'll boost you up the fence." Niall crouches down and held both of his hands for Harry to step on. Harry stares at it with confusion, his eyes going round.

"Go on now! My back hurts." Niall hurries him up. "I-I don't know, Ni-"

"Just do it!"

Harry hesitantly steps on Niall's hands, using it to boost him up. He stumbles behind a bush, falling on his bum. It definitely stings, he can tell you that. But something is telling him not to cry like used to—no. He's actually feeling quite giddy right now, surprisingly.

"Hello? You there?" Niall asks from behind the fence, knocking at it a couple of times. "Yep! I'm over here. What do you want me to do now?" Harry yells back, slightly careful.

"Just stand back! I can jump up there and help you! I'll—" Harry gets cut off by Niall suddenly stumbling over him. Niall knew Harry couldn't help him so he did it himself. He knew Harry too well.

Niall stands up and dusts his jeans, leaving Harry lying on the ground and groaning about how his head hurts. "Come on! Look!" Niall peeks behind the bush, staring at the older kids in amazement.

He's never seen kids this awesome before.

He sees kids with their phones. THEIR PHONES. They can't even go to the rest room by themselves and they have PHONES? Niall is truly gobsmacked.

He sees kids holding hands. He also sees two kids under a tree flirting with each other. Niall kinda almost puked at the sight but whatever. Niall's in his cootie phase with the girls but I'm sure it will be gone pretty soon when she finds that perfect girl.

"Harry? Harry?" Niall calls but he gets a groan in return. He goes back and checks up on him. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not! I have a boo boo." Harry growls and points at his knee and there is a slight scratch that barely even looks like a wound.

"A boo boo? What are you, 6?" Niall laughs, clutching his tummy.

"I AM 6." Harry replies back sassily. Niall silences in defeat, scratching his head.

"Now help me! I can't walk with my boo boo and I need a patch." Harry grabs Niall's hand, making him pull Harry up.

"Alright I'll ask some kids here. Maybe they'll give you some." Niall guides Harry towards the other side of the bush. The older kids aren't really noticing them since they are occupied with themselves. Niall happens to spot a couple of guys beside the bush. He decides to ask them for a patch since they're the nearest.

Niall carefully goes towards them with Harry cowering behind his back. He hesitantly taps one of the older boy's shoulder, trying to look as cool as possible. The older boy with hazel brown eyes looks back at Niall, sporting a warm smile once he sees them.

"Hello! I've never seen you guys here. I'm Liam. What do you guys need?" Liam politely asks, his other friend still facing the other direction. RUDE.

"Hey man! Uh- I'm Niall-we wanted to know if you have a patch? My mate got a boo—I mean a wound." Niall stutters and thinks why is it so hard to be cool like this guy?

"Oh, I do! Yeah, yeah. I'll just ask my friend here if he can go fetch it with me." He turns around and taps the other boy's shoulder. "Hey Lou, would you mind going with me to get my first aid kit?" He whispers towards the lad.

"What? I'm in the middle of a game. I'm—oh whatever I lost anyways. What is it again?" Louis finally turns to their direction, making his sight fall on to two boys. One blonde and one—wait a second, Louis has met this boy before.

Harry is currently staring at a flower, truly fascinated by its beauty. He didn't even notice the older boy staring.

Niall nudges his left side, making Harry do a slight gasp and finally realize what's happening.

And then, green eyes met blue ones.


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