T h i r t y - s e v e n

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Niall and Harry are both tangled up in the bed. Harry's broken foot is dangling on Niall's head while his other foot is tucked under Niall's armpit.

Suddenly, the phone starts ringing in the middle of the night, at 3 in the morning. A loud beyoncé song booms through the phone. Harry's eyes snap open, immediately sitting up and still all half-asleep.

He groans and yawns, arching his back and checking the clock hung on top of the door. He furrows his brows as he sees the arrow of the clock pointed to 3.

As much as he loves Beyoncé, he is not in the mood for it right now.

He quickly picks up his phone as it automatically lights up. A picture of Tom in a tuxedo pops up from the screen. Harry gasps. "Niall! Niall! It's Tom!" He slaps Niall's foot. He whines. "W-wha—"

Harry shakes Niall's foot, "It's Tom!" Niall opens his eyes slowly and gains consciousness but is still half-asleep as well. "What?"

"Tom is calling!" Harry says with a sleepy smile, Niall ignores him and slams himself back to the bed, face first. "Who fucking cares." Niall says, muffled by the pillows.

"Ugh, whatever." Harry clicks on the answer button and Tom's face pops up. He's in a restaurant and his hair is in a quiff.

"Hi!!" Harry greets a little bit too enthusiastically. Tom seems a bit distracted as his phone is still facing his chest. "Tom?"

Tom raises his phone up and adjusts it to fit his face in the frame. "Yep, okay. Hello there!"

"Miss you!!"

"Me too, H."

"So-uh—why'd you call?"

"Oh, nothing. I just got bored. Why? Did I wake you up or something?" Tom asks, looking at the menu. He asks someone in front of him and he hears a feminine voice answer back.

"Who are you with?" Harry asks.

"Oh—uh-my assistant."


"By the way, my movie premier will be held in the UK which means I can visit you!" Tom announces happily. "Yay!" He adds.

"Oh my god, really?" Harry grins as he looks at Tom's slightly expressionless face.

"Yes! I told my assistant to get some vip passes for you. You can invite people if you want. Just tell me ahead of time so I can ask them to print out the right amount of tickets."

"That's great! I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much." Harry pouts.

"Likewise, babe." Tom answers as he still looks at the menu for the third time. "Anyways, I have to go, babe. I need to eat. Bye!"

"Oh—okay, bye-" the facetime ends. Harry stares at his phone for a while until he slams himself back on his bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating his life.

Harry wakes up to the smell of fresh cheese. His stomach growls as if on cue. He realises he's starving.

He glances at his bed and there's no sign of Niall.

Niall couldn't cook so he's probably not cooking. Harry walks out of the room and passed through the big hall to reach the huge kitchen located beside their room.

Harry crosses his arms and observes Niall picking off cheese from his fingers. "Shit."

"What are you even doing?" Harry asks, approaching Niall to help him out. "I was trying to make pizzas and wow I should've Just ordered—the fuck was I thinking? I don't even know how to cook—fuck." Niall shakes his hands over the sink to remove the cheese strings on his hands.

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