T w e n t y - t w o

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It's the morning of Christmas Eve.

The tree is up and everything is surrounded with colourful lights that made the whole place become oozing with Christmas spirit.

All the presents are perfectly wrapped and are settled under the Christmas tree. Harry just ogles at the variety of boxes. There's a box shaped like a toy car. Harry's been looking at that one for the longest time, wondering what's it about.

Harry just absolutely adores Christmas because of the presents and the fun vibe.

Especially now because it's Lou's birthday. The day he's been awaiting the most. He's even more excited about it than Christmas Eve itself. Christ.

"It's Lou's birthday!" Harry yells from across the room, his voice a little raspy because he just woke up.

Anne hears the little voice while in the kitchen with her friends, who just arrived.

"Is that your son?" Her friend, Karen, asks.

"Guess he's awake." She laughs, standing up. "Well, ladies. I have to check up on him. Enjoy your tea." She declares.


Harry dashes into his backyard, right over his table. He needs to write his birthday letter for Louis. He forgot to do it because he fell asleep while Anne was baking the pastries and then after that he just forgot about it completely.

He grabs his pencil and starts to write.

"Dear Louis, thank you for being the bestest friend ever. Thank you for playing with me every day. I like the place you showed me in the woods. I also like everything we do when we're bored. I like that you don't get mad when I tell you to do things like before. I like that you're finally starting to be my bestest friend. Thank you. I love you, Louuuuu" Harry says while writing it on paper, probably written in broken english.

Harry adds the finishing touches, drawing on a little frog on the side. "aaaand done." Harry claps, smiling at the paper, proud.

"Whatcha doin there, Harbear." Harry flinches and instinctively hides the paper behind his back.

Harry glances at the person, "L-louis? Louis! Hi!" Harry hugs him. "It's your birthday! Happy birthday, Lou!" He smiles.

Louis blushes at the action, "O-oh thanks."

He stares at Harry in suspicion. "What were you doing earlier?"

"O-oh! I was sleeping." Harry tries.

"No, after that."

"I was eating my Christmas waffles."

"And after that..."

"I-I watched Barney?" He tries again.

Louis feels defeated.

"What were you doing when I just arrived? You were clearly writing something." Louis comes closer, Harry steps back.

"I-It was nothin, Lou!" Harry stammers, feeling Louis stepping closer and closer.

"Are you sure about that, Hazzy?" Louis smirks.

"Yes! I'm gonna go get the f-footie. T-teach me how to play." Harry dashes inside to escape the terrifying interrogation.

That was really close.


Louis and Harry are in the backyard, playing footie.

"No! You have to kick it like this. See?" Louis demontrates, kicking the ball with a technique, leaving Harry amazed.

"Lou! I obviously can't do that." Harry crosses his arms, sitting on the grass out of laziness.

"Come on! You can do it." Louis encourages, patting his back.

"I don't wanna play anymore." Harry says, laying on the ground and admiring the sky. He doesn't even want to play footie. He just needed an excuse to escape the interrogation.

Louis stares at him confusingly. "Alright, what do you want to do?"

" I just want to look at the pretty sky." Harry half whispers. "Come lay beside me."

"O-okay—uhm." Louis replies. He hesitates as he sits down and settles his body on the slightly wet grass.

They're lying down in silence. The younger one, comfortable. The older one, obviously feeling very awkward and blushy. God knows why.

"Harry! Do you want some—oh! Well I guess we might have some company." Anne says, making Louis immediately sit down.

Harry glances back, "Mummy! This is Louis, my best friend forever!" He exclaims, grinning.

Harry stands up and grabs Louis' arm, "come on, Lou. Introduce yourself." He whispers.

"H-hi, miss. I'm Louis." Louis lifts his hand up for Anne but she laughs instead and hugs him. Louis is clearly shocked but hugs back hastily after he realises.

"Aww what a formal boy! No need for that in here. We love hugs. Right Har?" Harry nods.

"Now, would any of you like some pizza?"


"So Louis, dear, I would like to invite your family to join us this evening. Of course if you'd like to. It's okay if you don't." She cuts the pizza into slices, handing one over to Louis and another one for Harry.

"O-oh yeah! Certainly, Miss Anne. I'll just go ahead and ask my mum." Louis says politely, proceeding to bite the crust of the pizza slice. He prefers eating it this way.

Harry looks up at him and mouths "please" with matching puppy eyes. Louis just can't help it...he grins a little bit.

Louis rolls his eyes afterwards to make up for the sweetness. He figured he was being too much of a sweetheart to Harry and he's still not used to it.

He's trying tho.

So sorry for such a boring update! I promise this book will be interesting in the future chapters :0 I have it all planned guys !

I hope we get 20 votes for this one. Is it possible? :>

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