S i x t y - t h r e e

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"Do you remember what Terminal are they gonna arrive at?" Zayn asks as he handles the wheel. "Hello?—hey-" He swats Louis's thigh, making him sit up from his nap. He glares at Zayn.

"Uh—I dunno. Thought you were talking to Niall."

Zayn rolls his eyes as he holds the steering wheel. Louis sits at the passenger seat, his two stout legs now sit on top of the dash.

He hates it when Louis gets his little legs all over his car. He gets it all dirty with his stupid smelly vans and he leaves TINY foot prints all over the interior. He sometimes forgets about the man's being and thinks that small elves have already invaded his car.

He always preferred driving with Louis's car. He wouldn't care about the mess let alone making tiny footprints. He would even think it's cool, and will even say positive things about it—which is kinda odd. Zayn theorised that it's only Louis's way of not getting to clean things.

He sighs, "can you at least call Harry or Niall—"

"Woah, woah, woah—Zayn. Have you forgotten?" Louis looks at him as if he said something REALLY ridiculous—which he did, in Louis's opinion.

"Just ask them where they are, and—"

"Harry and I AREN'T in speaking terms—how horrible of you as a friend to forget, ZAYN." Louis overly dramatically says, "so—for that, you should communicate with them, not me." And this is another way of his to escape doing things.

Zayn groans, "Why the fuck did you even come with me in the first place, fuckface?" He asks.

"Heyyy—watch the language!" Louis says, crossing his arms over his chest, proceeding to sleep again. "I'm trying to sleep here and I'm not in the mood to argue. You should try arguing with me when I'm wide awake. You're trying to take advantage of the sleepy me not the real me."

"Cut the fuckin' act. You swear more than Niall, who is—let me mention again—Irish—and you didn't even answer my question."

Zayn grabs his phone and sends Niall a quick message. The Irish boy quickly sees it and sends the needed details.

"I-I just wanted to—you know—help out with the luggage. It can be heavy—obviously...especially Harry's." Louis says, shrugging and blushing at the same time.

"Yeah right." Zayn didn't even wanna look at him to sense the lies.


Niall and Harry stand at the arrival port as they wait for Zayn and Louis to pick them up.

"What's taking them so long?" Niall says, look at his phone to check if Zayn left any messages. He shakes his head at Harry. "We could've gotten a cab if I knew they would screw us over." He groans, "these idioooots."

Harry looks up from reading his book. He got the book from the airport. It's nothing much—it's just something he bought to keep him entertained.

"Relax. I'm sure they aren't."

"How do you know?"

As they continue to argue, the car that they've been waiting for finally arrives 30 minutes late—which isn't really a bother since they went around the shops in the airport before they went out. They only spent like 5 minutes in the arrival area.

Their small argument session came to a stop when Louis hopped out of the passenger door, showing Zayn that he's actually going to help with the luggages. He looks back and gives Zayn a 'told-you-so' face.

The raven haired boy ignores him as he's already too annoyed today. He skipped another shift in the cafe he's currently working at for this—which will make his boss hate him even more.

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