T w e n t y - n i n e

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"H-here's your water, Maxy." Harry hands the glass and Maxwell smiles. "Thanks, uncle Hawwy."

Harry blanks out and stares at the ceiling while frowning. Maxwell sips his water and glances at his uncle. "Uncle H, Are you otay?"

Harry snaps out of it and shakes his head. "Y-yeah, Max! I'm okay! D-do you wanna p-play princess and the frog?" Maxwell nods. "Sureeee."

"A-as long as I get to be the princess, we're gonna be fine. Now let's gooo!"


Harry and Maxwell eventually got bored of each other. The older of the two decides that it's time for him to give Maxwell a tour of his backyard.

Harry grabs Maxwell's little hands and guides him to the kitchen, where a door leading to the backyard is located.

Harry opens the glass door in a swift motion and steps in first. "Woah uncle Hawwy! This is so cool!" Maxwell proceeds to run around the little yard, trying out everything he sees. Maxwell tries to climb on the dirtied inflatable pool, making Harry frantically run over there and stop him. "No, Maxy! It's dirty!"

"Aw! Sorry, uncle H. I just love swimming." Maxwell pouts, jumping down and proceeds to run to another play thing.

Maxwell finally finds something safe to play with so Harry leaves him alone.

Harry sits by himself in the center of the yard, looking up to the sky. He tends to do this a lot when he's confused and conflicted.

The thoughts of earlier come back to his mind. What did they mean by new place? It's confusing him a lot. Are they gonna be visiting someone? Are they gonna be moving? He doesn't have a clue and it's bothering him. The idea of leaving everything behind is scaring him.

What about Niall? His best friend of many years? Is he just gonna leave him like nothing happened? Is he gonna just disregard their friendship? What about his school that he loves so much? His neighbour's cat who he loves petting because he can't own one yet? What about...


Oh no..not Louis. His heart is starting to ache. This just can't be. Why do they have to do this to him.

M-maybe it's not really happening. Harry's just assuming things that aren't really confirmed yet. Harry forces out a smile and sighs. "It's not gonna happen." He says to himself.


"Nice to meet you, sir, ma'am." Gemma's boyfriend, Nicholas greets, stepping into the humble abode of the Styles'. The two parents smile and nod. Robin pats the young adult's back. "I'm glad to finally meet you."

"Likewise, sir."

Anne gestures for him to sit in the nearby couch. He mumbles a "thank you" and sits beside Gemma.

"Nico, can you go ahead and explain? Please." Gemma whispers at her boyfriend. He nods.

The elders sit on the opposite couch, drinking tea and trying to seem calm..when they're actually not. I mean, facing bankruptcy is not something you can take lightly of, especially when you have nowhere to go to and this is your only hope for a better future. Of course they'd be nervous.

"Uhm—may I? Explain the whole—employment?" Nicholas asks for permission. Both nod immediately and set their cups down.

"So what we're going for here is an easy task, to start of. I can tell my father to either promote you to the top or just employ you like a normal worker of his. Which do you prefer sir?" Nicholas asks, putting his hand on Gemma's lap while getting comfortable.

Robin ducks his head, feeling kind of ashamed from asking help from his daughter's boyfriend. "I-I'm okay with anything really. I don't want to be high maintenance. I-I can work with anything you throw at me to be honest." He finally answers.

"Alright, sir. Whatever you say—"

"No, Nico. Give him the best spot." Robin looks at his daughter in disagreement. Gemma still insists. "Just-I want the best for dad." Nicholas looks at them both. "Okay, sure. Of course, the best for Mr.Styles."

"A-are you sure? It's okay, Nicholas—"

"I'm pretty sure my father would be delighted for you to join his company. From what I've heard, you are a very hard working man, sir." Nicholas grins. Gemma kisses his cheek and holds his hand tighter.

"I-I want my family to move out of here as soon as dad gets the call..is that okay, Nico?" Gemma turns to her boyfriend with hope in her voice. Nicholas nods and gulps. "Y-yeah! Of course."

Anne smiles at Robin while he furrows his brows in embarrassment. "Isn't that a bit too much?"

"It's okay, dad. We've got everything under control."

Robin coughs, "I'm very thankful for what you are doing for us, Nicholas. But would you mind if I ask something?"

Nicholas raises his brows, "n-no, no! Not at all sir, ask away."

"How old are you? I-If that's not offending you in any way."

"I-I'm 26, sir." Nicholas answers quite hesitantly.



"So mum, is it okay if you guys pack up in advance? I'm really sure that dad will be getting that job. Did-did you tell Harry yet? I'm sure he'll be excited too." Gemma's voice booms through the phone. She's currently in their 5 star hotel, located in the city. Not that far away. Nico and Gemma were just checking out of the hotel so they could stay at home.

"To answer your question, I am packing, Gemma. Quit it with your excitement. And I haven't told Harry yet but I will soon." Anne chuckles, folding her floral trousers and putting it in her maroon luggage. "I'm just really excited, mum. You're gonna love it there." Gemma squeels.

"The movers will be there tomorrow! When you leave they'll be there. I Told them to carry all the furniture into their van with extra care. Nicholas paid extra for that. If they don't they're gonna be dead to me." Gemma adds, grumbling in a fake manner.

"Yeah—yeah, I'm making sure everything is gonna be packed up properly, now stop calling me." Anne jokes, giggling uncontrollably. "Okay, whatever, mum. Just—I love you, bye." The line goes dead. Anne shakes her head and laughs silently. "Ohh, Gemma."

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