T w e n t y - t h r e e

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Reminder: Harry is 6 years old, Louis turned 9 recently. Here are pictures to further enhance your imagination.

Louis William Tomlinson
9 years old
December 24
Loves football ⚽️
"Here's me stretching before me footie game. I believed I was the best of the best."

Harry Edward Styles6 years oldFebruary 1Loves frogs 🐸 "Hawwy lil Hawwy! Posing fo a picture! Smile is so cool

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Harry Edward Styles
6 years old
February 1
Loves frogs 🐸
"Hawwy lil Hawwy! Posing fo a picture! Smile is so cool. I love me! Yay!"

After the short pizza bonding the three shared, Louis went by his house to ask his mum if she would be interested with the offer

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After the short pizza bonding the three shared, Louis went by his house to ask his mum if she would be interested with the offer. Fortunately, she was. She claimed it was a great opportunity to get to know the people in town.

Lee shortly came back from his part time job in Mcdonald's and was informed about the invite from the Styles family. He was a little hesitant for a bit since he wanted to spend his first Christmas in their new house together as a family but he agreed eventually.

The Tomlinson family all brought their own dishes to contribute in the food platter.

Jay guides her two sons in the front door of the Styles' home. "I beg you boys, please be on your best behaviours. This is the first time we've gotten an invite. We need to have a nice first impression." She fixes her hair and adjusts her dress.

"Don't worry, mum. Lou right here has been with their little boy for awhile now. They're practically inseparable. He's used to this. Right, kid?"

Louis nods.

"I guess the only problem we have here is Lee." Louis giggles, receiving a whack in the head from his older brother.

"Ow! Stop it." Louis grumbles, glaring at his smirking brother.

Jay hears the footsteps approaching, "stop it, boys. Someone's coming."

The door opens to Anne holding a lasagna filled glass container. Louis sniffs the delectable scent filling the air.

"Good evening! I'm Anne. Come right in!" She half hugs Jay because of the lasagna container she's holding. She hugs both boys too.

"Sorry about that. I've been cooking up these meals last minute. The grocery store in town was closed and I had to drive off to the nearest place where I can buy ingredients. Can you believe it?" Anne removes her cooking gloves and washes her hands in the sink.

"I know right! I didn't think grocery stores were supposed to be closed exactly when Christmas Eve is approaching. Such an inconvenience honestly." Jay answers. The conversation goes on and on.

Louis decides to go upstairs where Harry is, leaving Lee in the living room.

He sees Harry drawing, looking very immersed with it. "Hey."

Bright large green eyes gawks at Louis, "Hi Lou!" He stops what he's doing and hugs him. Louis takes note of how often they've been hugging these past few weeks. He feels weird about it but he doesn't mind.

"Nice room." Louis comments, feeling the textured frog sticker on the wall. "I like the frog stickers."

"Thanks, I love them." Harry stands up and kisses the largest frog sticker on the wall. "So much."


"So what's this again?" Louis points to the weird figure at the bottom of Harry's drawing. "It's a frog."

"And why exactly is there a frog outside your house?" Louis asks confusingly, scrunching his brows.

"It's because there are!" Harry exclaims.

"I've never seen any. That's not possible." Louis stares at the drawing intently. He notices how detailed Harry drew the house. It's cute.

"Whatever." Harry pouts, erasing the little green figures drawn on the paper.

"Hey—hey, it's okay you don't have to erase it—"

Anne arrives to declare that the food is ready, "boys, chit chat is over! Time to eat! Come down before it gets cold." She quickly says.

"Okay mummy!" Harry stands up and grabs Louis' hand. Louis glances at Harry, considering smacking his hand away because of how harsh he yanked his arm.

"By the way, Lou! Niall's coming! Yayyy! I've missed him so much." Harry crinkles his eyes and smiles. Louis doesn't. "W-what?"

"What do you mean what?" Harry frowns. They stop in the middle of the stairs.

"I don't like him. He's weird." Louis says boldly, receiving a gasp from little Harry.

"What do you mean? He's my bestie too, ya know?" He states, resting his back on the wall.

"Well, I just don't like him. Let's just go." He snaps, grabbing Harry's wrist a little bit harsher than expected.

They both descend the stairs and immediately sees the table filled with food. Harry drools at the sight.

Right when they're about to hop off the stairs, the door bell dings. Harry assumes it's Niall and his family, making him unconsciously smile.

"I'll get it!" Anne announces, jogging over to the door to open it. Once the door opens, Niall enters the house instantaneously, leaving the adults to greet each other, only to run to Harry and hug him tightly.

"Harry! I missed you, bud." Niall squeezes him even more. Louis rolls groans silently and rolls his eyes.

"I missed you too!" Harry says, hugging back.

"Alright, alright. Enough of that. Let's go ahead and sit." Louis says in a displeased manner, hovering his hand over to Harry's back to guide him towards the seats, leaving Niall stunned.

Harry nods and moves along with Louis' hand. "Where'd you wanna sit?" He asks the older boy straight off.

"Next to you."

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter :) it's a boring one, once again. No dramas...but in the next chapters there will be, of course. I've pre-written the chapters already and I can publish it anytime but as usual, this chapter needs to have 20 or more votes in order for me to publish the next :D (since that's an indication that people actually like this shizzle) Another reminder, I am not trying to copy anyone or any plot from any story. This is all simply my idea and I have no inspiration at all. All my chapters are pre-written so if mine is similar to your plot, it's not my intention. Okay, that's all :) I hope you guys are looking forward to the Character ask! I'll probably be doing it in the end of the chapter or something so yeahh. Keep your questions prepared! : D

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