T w e n t y

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"Alright kid, you're out." He uncuffs Harry's hand and carries him out the prison area.

He puts him down and pats his head, "I like you. You're nicer than your friend over there." He points to  the little boy sitting by the bench who is only using his arm to hold his head up. He's almost asleep.

"Don't talk to him like that! He's nice." Harry insists, glaring at the guy. Harry's somehow offended. He needed to defend him and he didn't know why he just did.

"I don't know about that! Anyways, bye. Come back next time." The teen chuckles.

Harry walks towards Louis and taps his shoulder.

"Hi!" He chirps, smiling with his dimples out. "O-oh! You're back." Louis suddenly stands up.

"So are we still gonna watch that puppet show?"

"Nah. We missed it. They're gonna like start again for another hour." Louis announces sadly, fixing his fringe in the process and sitting back down.

Harry sits down too, "so what are we gonna do?" He swings his legs back and forth.

"I dunno." He checks his watch. "We have 20 more minutes until the rollercoaster line shortens.

"But I want to ride something, Lou!" Harry stares at him with puppy eyes.

"Harry, we have nothing to ride. The only ride left is the valentine ride. We can't ride that. Certainly not." Louis crosses his arm over his chest as he huffs.

"Well, why not? It's just a ride!" Harry furrows his eyebrows, scratching his nose. His nose gets quite itchy every time winter is approaching.

"It's just weird. We're not even valentine lovers and—"

"Don't worry! We'll just go as friends. It doesn't matter. As long as we think of it that way.." he whispers the last part.

"But what if my friends think—"

"No they won't! Let's just goooo." Harry pulls his arm, making him stumble a bit.

Harry guides Louis towards the Valentine ride, "Harry, try to be a little bit calmer, yeah?" He comments, his now sore arm glimmering with redness.

"Sorry, just got a bit carried away, I guess?" Harry caresses Louis' arm, making him flinch.

"Oh stop that." Louis snaps.

"S-sorry." Harry looks away.


"I would like to buy two tickets f-for the valentine ride." Louis states to the older lad.

The line is seemingly shorter than the rollercoaster ride. I guess no one's really in the mood for romantic stuff.

After five minutes, it's finally their turn. Harry excitedly pulls Louis' hand towards the entrance to the ride. "Come on! come on! It's our turn." He squeels.

Harry jogs in his place while the guy is prepping the ride. Louis rolls his eyes.

"Ooh! This is new. You're a cute couple." The girl coos, opening the door for the ride. Louis' stiffens and reddens.

"N-no! We're not. We're—"

"I get it! I get it! You're just too shy but I get it." The girl lowers herself and whispers. "Your secret is safe with me." The girl winks.

"B-but we're not even together!" Louis shouts but the teenage girl is already running towards another booth. To do some errands, I guess.

Louis slouches in his seat, grumbling some nonsense under his breath. He hates this already. "Hey! Why're you sad lookin?" Harry asks, concerned.

"Oh just shut up and enjoy the ride." Louis huffs, picking at the ride's handle bars. Harry shrugs.

The ride begins to move. It plummets down and enters a tunnel, enabling the motion sensored lights that the people set up.

"Woah, Lou! Look. They light up!" Harry beams at Louis. Louis is actually pretty amazed as well. The ride passes by different figures dancing around, there's this gazebo and there are figures placed in it. One figure is kneeling, as if it's proposing. (AN: just imagine the ride in Disney land. It's the "It's a small world" ride<—that ride? I'm not sure what it's called but I hope yall get it.)

Harry continues to stare up and admire the amazing figures doing a bunch of stuff. Louis absent-mindedly fonds at the boy in front of him. Who wouldn't?

He stares at the younger boy as he gets closer. Harry turns around and sees the small distance between them and jumps in his seat, making Louis flinch and turn the opposite direction.

What in the world was he thinking? Louis curses himself as he reddens and reddens even more. He needs to stop doing stupid things in his life for once.

Harry just shrugs again and watches another figure pass by them. Unbothered.

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