E i g h t

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"Will you shut it?"

Harry abruptly stops whining. His eyes start to bulge as he wonders about the person—boy who yelled at him. He stares at Niall with confusion. Niall shrugs and continues to eat his food.

Harry is of course itching to know who it is because whoever he is—he's rude.

Harry slowly stands up on his seat, peeking over his booth. He sees a boy munching on some fries. There's something familiar about his feathery hair. Harry's sure he's seen him before. He is just sure of it.

The boy looks up and meets Harry's gaze and Harry's body just got goosebumps for some reason.

And yes. He has met this boy before.

It's the boy with the blue eyes, Harry took note of that.

"You? Again?" Louis scoffs, staring at Harry with annoyance. Harry just glares at Louis.

"Well, mister! Yes, it is me. Why did you yell at me?" Harry complains, pouting. "It's because you're being a baby, you big baby." Louis smirks.

"N-no I'm not! I've grown!" Harry whines, glancing back at Niall only to see him eating his nuggets. Not even trying to back him up. Niall disappoints him sometimes.

"W-why are you here anyway?" Harry asks, twirling a strand of hair from his head of curls.

"My big brother works here! Say, I should be asking you. Why are you here?" Louis grimaces.

"Well, I'm here to eat. I'm not following you! You might think that. If you did, you're stupid." Harry gasps at his language, clasping his hand directly on to his lips.

He shouldn't have said that. Mummy never lets him curse people. Louis laughs at how affected Harry was with the slight curse word but he pretends to look hurt to affect the little lad even more.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I-I t-"

"No! You hurt my feelings. Don't talk to me." Louis is being his usual drama queen self. He knows how to play people very well. Thanks to his big brother's antics.

"I-I'm sorry, Louis! I didn't m-mean it. I really want to be friends! I never wanted you to hate me! I'll be a good boy like mummy wants me to. I'll do a-anything so you could forgive me!" Harry cries, clasping his two hands together to beg.

Louis slightly does a smug look but immediately hides it with a frown. "You'll do anything?" Louis smirks.

"Y-yes! I will." Harry pouts once again, scratching his head slightly. He glances back at Niall but there's still no luck. He's not even there. Wait—Where IS Niall? Harry brushes it aside and decides to continue his pleading for Louis' dang forgiveness.

He turns back around and his sight lands on Niall, his hands on both of his hips, talking to Louis.

Harry's eyes bulge at the sight. He listens to their conversation and they seem to enjoy themselves very much. Harry's not enjoying it though.

"You play footie? W-we should play!" Niall squeels. He is beyond happy to be talking to an older kid. He has never talked to one. He just thinks they're too intimidating. They looked too experienced with everything and He's too scared to embarrass himself in front of the older kids.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever kid. Now, back to that curly friend of yours..." Louis dismisses Niall. He's really interested with the offer. He really is. He could make Harry—his slave of some sort. This will be awesome as heck. Imagine someone doing all the work for you. Wow. Louis snaps out of the thought because of Harry's forced out cough.

"So....what were you saying?" Louis smirks, eyeing Harry with mischief in his eyes. "I-I will do anything!"


"Y-yes." Harry  gulps.

"Be my servant slash slave."

Yo! Guys, this is not what you're thinking. If you're thinking of something weird NOOOOO that's not it. LMAOOO.

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