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The Pussy Cult

"Ni, did you get the sandwich that I packed for myself?" Harry groans, stomping his already sore feet on the ground. He's a bit moody today. Quite understandable because it's the first day of uni, but maybe it's also because of his pregnant tendencies...anyway—

"No! I didn't get it. I had wings for dinner. I don't even remember eating any sandwiches last night." Niall denies the accusation, going through his pile of clothes to look for a certain black shirt.

He looks back at Harry, who's currently going through the fridge. He's trying to look for his sandwich. If he can't find it, he might as well make another one.

"Have you seen this black shirt that I always wear? You know, the one with the rips—"

"You mean the one that makes you look like a homeless man?" Harry stops going through the fridge to answer the boy.

Niall quirks an eyebrow in confusion, "...yeah, I guess—whatever." He thought he looked good in it. Sometimes Harry has bad taste, Niall thinks.

"Uhm—I threw it out?" Harry gives him a sheepish smile, "soooooorry." He draws out the 'o' like a child.

"Eat a fucking cock, Harry. I loved that shirt."

"Would love to, but Niall, to be quite frank, the shirt made you look less approachable. Wouldn't want that in the first day. Wouldn't make a good impression." Harry shrugs, preparing two bread slices.

"You should really eat a cock some time. Could really be a good use to occupy your mouth from saying any bullshit. Not cool bullshit, may I fucking add."

"Will take note of that." Harry chirps as he happily spreads the mayonnaise on the other side of the bread slice.

Niall rolls his eyes and settles on a white graphic tank top. Not too shabby, but he'll have to top it off with his jacket. It's a bit chilly outside. He checks his digital watch, "We better get going if you still want to catch up on that lecture."

"Yeah! Almost done. Just gonna add some pickles." Harry adds them quickly and slides the sandwich in the ziploc bag. He neatly puts it in his book bag and nods at Niall. "All set!"

He adjusts his black peacoat and follows Niall out of the door.

As they walk down the stairs of their place, Harry nudges Niall, "Did they tell you where we would meet up after classes? At the cafe down the street or?"

Niall hums, shaking his head. "They actually haven't said anything yet." Actually, they have. Zayn told Niall about Louis's state. He's not really ready to face Harry yet. It's for the best that they don't see each other for a while.

"Oh, okay." Harry says, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Harry clicks his car key, making the front lights light up. Niall looks at the car as if it was rotisserie chicken.

He grins, "just in time for uni day."

"Hey good looking." Niall compliments the Audi.

"I hate driving. You drive." Harry tosses the key to Niall, who catches it because of his seemingly good reflex skills. Just footie tingz.

"My pleasure." Niall rubs his hands together, couldn't really wait to get his hands on the majestic beast.


"First class of the day, world history. Great way to start the year." Louis says bitterly. He absolutely hates History. Zayn grips on to his backpack, shrugging. "It's better than Maths."

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