F i f t y - o n e

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Louis wakes up. The sound of the waves splashing is all he could hear.

The first thing he sees is the bucket of ice beside him.

"How are you feeling, sir?" Someone asks from behind the lounge chair. Louis stares at the guy and realises it's the kid from before.

"Where's Harry?" He automatically asks, his head whipping in all sorts of directions just to set sight on the curly headed boy.

"He's with the—"

"I need to go to the hospital now."

Louis shakily stands up and attempts to leave Bailey but then he gets grabbed by the arm. He removes his arm from the boy's grip and glares at him. "Fuck off, mate."

Bailey steps backwards and stutters in nervousness as Louis's stare pierce through him. "B-but sir, Harry's alright."

Louis looks at the teenager, confused. "What the fuck are you talking about? Harry's head was bleeding and you told me a lot of people fucking died because of this shitty resort's coconuts or some shit! Do you expect me to fucking believe you that he's alright?" He screams in anger. At this point he was already seeing red from all the bullshit this kid is saying.

Bailey's lips start to wobble, signifying he's about to cry. "S-sir, that blood that you saw was his—his beverage. I-it's spilled over him when he hit the tree." He explains, stuttering, making Louis feel extraordinarily stupid.


He closes his eyes and pinches his nose bridge. "I-I still need to see Harry. I want to make sure if he's okay."

Louis walks away from the boy, leaving him scared and confused.


Louis eventually finds Harry in the resort's tiki bar, holding a bag of frozen peas against the back of his head as he sits beside a rowdy group of drunk old women.

Louis stays still instead of approaching him, to test if he would notice him—

But the boy is occupied, daydreaming and blanking out, his eyes staying on the kids playing along the shore.

Louis smiles out of fond, shaking his head lightly. He eventually gives up and comes up to him.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

Harry blinks up at him, finally snapping back to reality. "Hm?" He hums, removing the frozen peas from his head, feeling it with his hands. "Wait—I-I need to change my peas. It's not cold anymore." Harry looks for the lady behind the bar, turning his head from left to right. He stands up, making Louis stop him.

"No, stay. I'll get them for you." Louis insists. A lady in a messy bun enters the bar, briskly walking. Louis quickly takes the opportunity to ask for some frozen peas.

"Uh—can I have another bag of frozen peas?" She nods, going to the freezer to retrieve a bigger bag of frozen peas. Louis grabs it and places it behind Harry's back before he could protest.

Harry gulps, "I-I can do it. I'll just—"

"Does it still hurt?" Louis ignores him, asking a question instead.

"No—b-but there is a small red bump. The medic told me to put something cold on to it to reduce the inflammation." Harry answers, sighing. He glances at the kids once again. This makes Louis wonder.

"So is there something that you have in mind?" Louis asks as he continues to press the bag onto Harry's head. He sits on the stool to get comfortable.

Harry opens his mouth but closes it again, shaking his head. "N-no, not at all." He responds.

Louis scoffs, "I know that look. I'm sure there's something in that head of yours that has been bothering you aaall day." He points to his head.

Harry plays with his rings, removing one to look at the words engraved in it. "I-It's nothing really. I just thought the kids were cute. They've been playing all day—and I just can't seem to understand how they still have the energy." He chuckles, ducking his head.

Louis laughs, "well, I think all of us had a fair share of infinite energy, innit?"

Harry peeks up at Louis, "what do you mean?" He asks in a seemingly whispering tone.

Louis mocks him, whispering as well. "Well, don't you remember when we used to be like that. We played in the woods all day." He smirks.

Harry rests his chin on his hand, tugging his ear as if it could make him remember the memory. After a minute, he juts his bottom lip. "Nope, I don't remember."

Louis shakes his head and laughs, "It's the first time you've ever left your house without your mum. We even climbed up the fence to get in your house, remember?"

Harry narrows his eyes and presses his lips together. He shakes his head slowly, meaning he still couldn't remember.

Louis rolls his eyes, "it's when we went to the woods? With the tall ass trees? Don't you remember? Honestly if you don't I'd be so disappointed." He jokes, pressing the frozen bag onto his head steadily as he adjusts how he sits.

Harry gasps as he remembers, covering his mouth with his right hand and smacking his forehead with the other. "I can't believe I almost forgot about that." He blows out his cheeks and grins at Louis.

Louis pats Harry's back with his free hand, "it's alright. At least you remember it now."

"Surprises me though, I thought you wouldn't forget since it seemed like you had so much fun." He adds, sighing. Harry looks at him.

"I guess that's what happens when two childhood friends drift apart for a long time, aye?" Louis says, a hint of hurt in his voice. Harry feels guilt forming in his chest.

Harry decides to not respond at that, making the conversation of the two stop. It creates another cycle of uncomfortable silence.

Luckily, the other two boys come back with a bag of groceries in their hands, making Harry lighten up. "They're here." He mentions to Louis, making him look back.

"Where have you guys been?" Louis asks but immediately goes back to Harry's bump to tend to it.

"Harry wanted ice cream so we went to a near by convenient store. We also bought booze...for some reason." Niall answers, "why did we buy beer?" He whispers to Zayn, shrugging.

"I don't know..we could play truth or dare?" Zayn suggests innocently.

Niall furrows his brows and gives Zayn a sidelong glance. "Are you su—"

"Yeah, sure. Let's put some good use to that booze you lads bought." Louis cuts him off.

Harry gulps, a chill running down his spine.


Oogly, boogly. Things are about to get funky.

Heya, I just want to check on all of you. Tell me about your day! I'd love to know.

Also, just a daily reminder, you are AMAZING.

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