T w e n t y - f i v e

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All of them are snuggled up and fast asleep. Well at least Niall and Louis are. Harry couldn't seem to.

It's because he's been itching to reveal his other gift. You heard it right. He has another gift for Louis. No one knows and only he does. He's been keeping this gift a whole secret ever since.

He sits up and shakes Louis' shoulder, stirring him awake. "Lou, Lou, Lou." Harry whispers, tickling his ears with his curls.

Louis slowly opens his eyes, wiping them off and groans. "Ughh, what?" He sits up and looks around the dark room, blinking repeatedly.

"I have a surprise for you." Louis stands up and scratches his back.


"Come here."

"B-but it's like 3am in the morning! Are you insane?" Louis grabs the blanket and attempts to climb into the bed once again. Harry pulls him, making him fall off and groan.

"I-it's my surprise! Don't you want to see my surprise?" Harry pouts. Louis couldn't really see anything, but it's quite obvious that Harry is certainly doing his signature puppy eyes and pout face.

"Whatever. Just make it quick, will ya? My eyes are still closed I can't even open them properly."


They descend down the stairs carefully, making sure there won't be enough noise. They tiptoed towards the backyard, slowly opening the glass sliding door.

"W-what's with the backyard?" Louis asks followed by a yawn, making Harry cover his mouth. "Shhh! Too much noise."

Louis is going to roll his eyes but he couldn't, since his eyes are probably still glued shut with eye gunk.

Harry walks around a tree. Hm, Louis has never bothered looking around that tree. Something must be up.

Louis stands and waits for Harry to come back. He falls asleep in the process, making Harry yank him.

"Wake up, Lou. Gosh you're so sleepy." Harry giggles, Louis shakes his head repeatedly and wakes up once again. "Uh—w-wha?"

"Who wouldn't be sleepy at 3 am in the morning? I don't know—maybe froggy over here would." Louis returns to his sassy self once awake. To be honest, Harry always preferred sassy Louis.

Louis sits on the grass and tries to keep his eyes wide open. "Okay so...I know this is sudden! A—"

"Yes, it is sudden. Sudden in 3 am in the morning! I would most likely prefer if this would be sudden IN THE MORNING not when I'm fast asleep, dreaming about—"

"Whatever, Lou. You're awake now so—" Harry smiles sincerely and pulls out a portable sandbox.

Louis' droopy eyes immediately grew wide once seeing the yellow portable sandbox filled with—water?

"Harry...what is this?" Louis steps closer to observe the bizarre thing, making Harry hastily step in front of him and cover it.

"Oop! Not yet! Cover your eyes, Lou!" Harry says, making Louis groan. "Come on, Haz. You're making me look silly." Louis chuckles. Harry gives him the puppy eyes, again.

"Ughhh—whatever." Louis puts his hands on his face. He can hear Harry opening the portable sandbox. He hears a bit of splashing too. Hmm, strange.

"You can open them now, Lou!" Louis removes his hands and he is met with the now opened sandbox.


"Where did you get these? Wh—"

"I-I'm raising them."

"Y-you're raising tadpoles?" Louis queries in confusion.

"I was raising tadpoles—but now YOU'RE raising tadpoles....they're all yours." Harry grins, his smile looking all proud.

The two boys return inside after talking about the tadpoles. Louis opens the glass door and lets Harry in before he does.

"So you feed them goldfish food?"


"Are you sure that's safe for them?"

"I've been doing it for awhile I don't think it's really harming them—a-and they're alive so...I think it's good."

"Sure, okay—"

They suddenly halt when the door bell rang. The boys look at each other with fear. They immediately ran into the storage room under the stairs to hide. Who could possibly be up this late?

They hear the creaking of the wood above them, meaning someone's coming down.

"Bloody hell! If this is Brenda, I will literally never let her borrow my ironing curls ever again—" They hear the annoyed mumbling of Harry's mother, Anne. The click of the door opening made them more interested. AThey peek a little bit to see what's happening.


Hi! Hope you guys enjoy the story. There is so much drama after this chapter soooo yeahh. Please do me a favour and check out my short-chaptered book "Kid by the tree" ! Thank youuu for all the support ilyasm :)

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