E i g h t e e n

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Time is definitely fast.

Christmas is now coming over town. People are already starting to decorate their yards and planning little advanced Christmas parties.

Harry is currently in their yard, lying on his back to admire the beautiful blue sky.

He moves his head to the side to smell the grass, a weird habit of him, focusing on the lady bug crawling over him. He hovers his finger on it and giggles when the bug touches it.

He blankly stares at it as something rattles behind him. 

He already has someone in mind since he's been used to multiple incidents like this.

"Lou?" Harry calls, sitting on his bum as he turns his head around the yard. Where could the sound be coming from?

"Damn it! You got me." Louis comes out of the bushes, dusting his shirt.

"Hi Lou!" Harry waves as he comes running to him with a hug.

Louis falls over the grass because of the strong impact. Louis is now on top of Harry.

Now for Louis it was making his body tingle. This adorable abomination is below of him. He's madly blushing he can't even hide it anymore.

Harry on the other hand thinks this is just a friendly act(he kinda blushed the whole time but he won't admit that, of course.)

They eventually snap out of their stance, standing up from their previous position.

"So Lou, why are you here?—not that I don't want you to—"

"Oh shut it, I just want to hang out." He sits on the grass once again. He pats beside him to gesture for Harry. "Come on, sit."

"I-I've been thinking—"

"What is it, Lou?" Harry cuts him off.

"I have two tickets for the school fair a-and I need someone to go with."

"Well, how about Liam? He's your bestie, right?" Harry suggests, oblivious of what's happening.

"N-no...No! He has advanced studying consultations that day."

"Oh..who's going with you then?" Harry picks at a flower petal, smelling it and sniffling afterwards.

Louis hesitates but then he decides it's now or never. "Y-you?"

Louis has never been so nervous and stuttery like this. He's always that confident and showy kind of boy. But suddenly, something's changed and it's not a good thing.

Harry squeeks, his eyes widening. "Me?"

"Yeah? Yeah-because you need to follow my orders. I-I don't want to look like I had no one to go with." Louis reasons. He doesn't wanna look desperate.

Harry stares down, looking up and slightly blushing. "B-but I thought our deal is done?"

"I decided to give it an extension. Is that okay?" Louis asks, which he's not even supposed to do. Harry has no choice anyways.

Harry glances back at him. "Uh-okay."

Damn, he feels bad.

He wants to act as real friends.

But he just can't. Harry is making him feel things. It's weird.

"So-uh I gotta go." Louis starts to walk towards the fence he just came out of.

"H-hey! You can-uhm-go through the door this time." Harry suggests.

"Nah, it's okay." Louis replies, he continues but stops as he remembers something. "Oh by the way-"

Harry turns to him immediately, "what?" He says unexpectedly excited.

"O-oh uhh, I just wanna tell you that the school fair is on Saturday, a non-school day." Louis states, scratching his neck and breathing deeply.


"And I'll go by to pick you up."


"Wear something cool."


"S-so uh yeah, bye."

Harry stares at his little legs struggling to hop off the fence. "Lou, you can seriously use the door this time."

Louis turns his head at him, "N-no, uh—it's okay." His left foot gets stuck on the fence.


GUYS! This is just a filler btw lol. I hope you are all currently enjoying this book. I'll be updating or publishing the next chapter once this gets 20 votes! I know ya'll can do it! NDBXBD I hope I don't sound cringey.


Question: Do you have any guesses of what's gonna happen in the future of this book?

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