T h i r t y - e i g h t

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Harry smiles widely, "what are you guys doing here?"

Louis steps forward and explains. "Oh—uh, the park kicked us out so we went here." He mumbles and shrugs. "It was the first choice really but Zayn said he wanted to show people how good he was so we went there. Cocky, innit?" Zayn glares at him, "I didn't say that—"

"You did." Louis cuts him off and half-smiles, crossing his arms on his chest. Zayn throws the ball at him and Louis catches it immediately because of his fast reflex. Harry gulps. That's lowkey hot.

"But I thought this was only exclusive to the students studying here—"

Louis cocks a brow, "If I tell you I studied here, would you believe me?" Harry widens his eyes and hesitantly nods, his curls all bouncing up and down as he looks at Louis with fear of him getting offended...again.

"well, curly. Are you underestimating me?" Harry furrows his brows and gulps. "N-no—that's not what I meant at all—I just thought you looked older to be studyin—"

Louis finds the boy's reactions very amusing.

"So I'm old? Again? Come on, curly." Louis frowns in a fake manner, making Harry immediately limp towards him. "No—I'm sorry—that's-that's not what I meant—"

Louis puts his hands on his eyes to mimick realistic crying. Harry gasps, "no—no, Louis—"

Suddenly Louis looks back up at a frustrated Harry and once he sees him, he throws his head back and laughs.

Harry furrows his brows again, afterwards realising it was all fake, he laughs nervously and hits Louis's arm lightly.

"You—your face! You actually thought I would cry because you called me old?" Louis laughs, slapping his thigh.

"Well—I mean we all have different emotions and—some people might get offended at certain things like being called old. We all have unique reactions to everything so I guess—"

"Oh—come on, let's just play, yeah? Let loose." Louis yanks Harry from his place, cutting him off.

Harry widens his eyes as Louis is pulling him over to the field. "Lou, my foot's broken." He whines as Louis ignores and pulls him farther down the field.

Niall and Zayn are left on the same spot, looking at each other knowingly. "Yep, so—uhm—they forgot about us again—I guess?" Zayn says.

Niall grunts, "whatever, let them play. We can play our own game. You have your own ball right?"

Zayn nods, getting excited suddenly. "Then let's play."

"Wait—what if we go against each other later?" Niall suggests.

"I'll go tell them." Zayn says, looking at the two boys from a far. "Yo! You want a two on one game?" He yells at them. Harry's the first to look back. Louis seems to not hear it so Harry whispers it to him.

Louis puts up a thumbs up.

As Niall and Zayn are practicing on the other field, Louis still struggles on teaching Harry how to kick a ball after an hour.

Louis holds Harry's torso, "okay, so—you put your foot at the back to be able to create power and then—boom, you kick it on the inside." Harry looks at him, still confused.

Louis notices the curly boy's confusion so he gives him a smile, "how's this? Let me demonstrate you how I do it for the fifteenth time—" Harry giggles at that.

"—and then if you get it...I'll take you out later."

Harry blows out air from his cheeks, "well, Louis. That's not much of a prize, mate. I have a boyfrie—"

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