F o r t y - s e v e n

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Is what Niall hears in the call.

Quite a lot, might I add.

"What do you want?" Louis asks, coughing even more.

Niall bites his index finger's nail as he answers, "What? You don't want to come over?"

Louis groans, "Jesus Christ, Niall—you—you're kind of disturbing us, alright?" He coughs once again. "I can't fucking do this properly without you nagging us with that big o' mouth of yours." Niall gapes, "uhm fuck off?" His tone made him perk up, realising he's literally beside Harry.

He knows how Harry would react if he calls someone over for no absolute reason—well, right now is a reasonable cause but Harry might not agree with Niall on that.

He quickly dashes into the bathroom near the lounge area, about to be clicking on the speaker of his phone to hear it better. This bathroom is soundproof so it's safe—Niall doesn't know the purpose but..maybe he kinda does—he just doesn't want to assume.

As he clicks on the speaker button, the audio of the call immediately volumed up, he hears clattering of tin cans in the background of the call.

"Fucking shit!" He coughs once again, "you fucking startled me. How are we supposed to be doing this properly? I don't want to destroy my mouth." Louis yells aggressively, Niall shivers. It's the first time he's ever heard him like this.

Louis leaves the phone to get up and Zayn takes a hold of it this time, putting the mobile against his ear. "Hello?"

Niall rolls his eyes, "what are you guys even doing?"

"We're kind of having a session—We do this together when he's stressed out. Louis is pissed because you disturbed our alone time."

Niall grimaces at alone time. There's only one meaning behind it. "what the fuck? You guys blow each other's—"

"Holy fuck! Niall, fuck no. No—no, no. That's not—what I meant. We're getting high, smoking weed." Zayn explains, making Niall relax.

"Louis gets a bit angry when he gets interrupted while smoking. He usually does it with me every time he's upset. I never allow him to do it alone—because mostly shit happens every time." Zayn explains, reminiscing on the time when Louis became high and drunk at the same time and started running out of their flat, naked but in briefs—in the middle of the night, yelling out every single profanity in the British vocabulary.

"Chicken and Chili! Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew,pew,pew!" He hears Louis from the distance. They both fall silent.

"Well, he's either angry or weirdly happy. There's nowhere in between. He's confusing when he's high." Zayn adds.

"How come you don't act like that when you're high?"

"I—I actually don't know. Maybe it's a psychological feeling inside me to be more responsible—you know?" Zayn snickers.

"Why do you want us to come over anyways?"

Niall sighs, "it's—It's about Harry—and-wait, no. I think I can handle this on my own. Nevermi—"

"What? W-what did you say?" Louis hastily pries the mobile from Zayn's hand. "Ahh! Jesus, Lou."

Niall rolls his eyes. He changed his mind. He figured that it's a personal problem and Harry might actually not open up about it when they come over. Harry's not the type to open up easily.

"I said it's fine. I can handle—"

Louis growls, literally growls. "No! What's with Harry? Tell me!" He demands, dominance evident in his voice.

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