F i f t y - f i v e

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"Uhhhh, my head fucking hurts. Fuck!" He groans, rubbing his temple repeatedly as if it could soothe the pain. Zayn glares at him as he continues to flicker through the television.

"Calm down, you're not the only one—do you see me whining my ass off like a fucking baby?" Zayn rolls his eyes. "Plus it would only make it worse. I suggest you take a pill—something a normal person would do instead of just yelling and making it hurt even more."

Niall scrunches his brows and looks at Zayn, sassily, putting his hand on his hip. He remembers the time he almost died from choking on a pill when he just turned thirteen. He's gotten a cold from playing in the rain after his birthday party—and his mum forced a pill down his throat—since apparently he couldn't use syrups anymore because he's "a growing YoUng MaN"—as his mum would say.

so he'd rather have his head hurt like a bitch than choke—in a bad way.

"Well I'd rather whine like a baby than act like a bitch!"

Zayn squints his eyes and raises his hand up slowly, pulling out his middle finger and smirking. Niall groans and throws a pillow at him, making Zayn cover his face using his hands in instinct.

Niall lets his back fall on to the carpeted floor, only to wince in pain while holding his head.

"I'm gonna go check up on Louis. Continuing being a whiny baby." Zayn pokes his tongue out and strolls out of the room.

He casually whistles as he goes over to their room. He wonders what they've been doing for the past hour. They haven't called or checked up on them which is really strange. Harry's always the first to do that in the morning.

He hesitantly hovers his knuckles on the door, pressing his ear against the wood first to make sure he's not disturbing anything—wink wonk.

He knocks on the door three times and waits patiently. The two boys in the room jump and are broken from their trance. Louis is the first to stand up, walking over to the door to open it while Harry blankly stares on the carpet, still not really over of what happened.

Louis sighs before opening the door to a curious Zayn standing before him, his arms crossed on his chest.

"What do you want?" Louis asks annoyingly.

Zayn squints his eyes, "wow, you sure are happy to see me." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Oh yes, I really am—Zayn, can you cut with the bullshit? Just tell me what you want and leave." Louis snaps, his jaw clenching as his grip on the door handle only becomes tighter and tighter.

Zayn steps back at the tone, clearly intimidated at this side of Louis. "Fuck, what's your fucking problem?" Zayn almost shouts, making Louis slam his door shut and push Zayn onto the hallway's wall.

Louis corners him and at that moment, Zayn is already expecting to be brutally beaten up—but Louis ends up just sliding down the wall and landing on his bum, his hands all over his hair as he grumbles.

"Zayn, I fucking fucked up!" He grits his teeth and groans, "fuck!"

"Hey—hey, calm down." Zayn tries, lowering his body and putting his hand on Louis's shoulder. "Just—breathe and tell me what happened."

Louis bites his lower lip and pinches his nose bridge, inhaling sharply. "Harry fucking hates me now."

"I fucking ate him out and—"

"Wait what the fuck?"

Louis glares at Zayn, "what? It's fucking horr—"

"Dude—you're fucking winning—" Zayn yelps, making Louis punch his arm. "Ow, what the fuck? It's true—"

"Fuck off, Harry hates me because it's my fault that he apparently cheated on his boyfriend."

Zayn slams his bum on the floor and sighing, looking straight at Louis, shrugging. "Well, mate. It ain't your fault if you asked him and he wanted it—did you?" He raises a brow.

Louis nods immediately, "everything was a fucking blur but I did remember Harry answering my question—I guess he really did want it." Louis hangs his head low, "but I don't want him to feel bad—he probably feels lonely and Tom probably doesn't treat him how he's supposed to be treated—I just-I don't want him to feel regretful of last night. It's probably the most he's ever had since he's with that fucking prick." Louis mutters with grunt.

Zayn shrugs, "just make the most out of it, I guess." Louis tilts his head at him, making Zayn continue.

"Well I mean what's done is done—just do whatever you guys want. It's not like it's gonna make it worse—it's the worst case scenario that could happen already."

"I don't know if that's a good idea—" Louis says but gets cut off immediately.

Zayn chuckles, "It's a fucking bad idea."

Louis sighs, unconsciously picking his nails. He looks up and hits the back of his head on the wall continuously.

All of a sudden the door swings open, revealing Harry briskly walking out of it. Louis snaps his head to his direction and yells, "where are you going?"

He doesn't reply.

Zayn pushes him to gestures for him to stand up. "Follow him."

Louis looks back and gulps. "O-okay."

Louis forces himself to stand up, his legs feeling like jelly as they've been sitting there for minutes and he didn't even notice it.

Zayn pats his leg, "go after him, big boy. Make sure to bring something home when you get back." He winks, receiving middle finger from Louis.

"That's so gay." Louis says.

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