S e v e n t e e n

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"Stop!" Louis shouts.

"What did you just say-"

"I said stop!" He repeats. The adults suddenly stop doing whatever the heck they were actually doing and instead stare at the young boy.

"I'm tired of hearing loud yells! I just want to eat my lamb chops in silence. So I would like it very much if you would all—be quiet or SHUT UP." Louis rambles and pants.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorr-"

"SHHH." Louis hushes Lee, sitting down and starting to eat his food. He gestures for all the stunned adults to start eating. When Troy is about to sit, Louis squints his eyes.

"Uh-uh-uhp! Except for you, big guy. You." He points to him. "Out." He points to the door with his index finger.

"Wha—me?" Troy asks in confusion. Louis nods, "Yep." He pops the P. "Yes, you. Now out."

"Louis—" Jay tries.

"No, mom." He mumbles. "Okay, out." He continues at Troy. The old man stands up and looks at them one last time with an unreadable expression and then—he's gone. He's out of the house, driving away to the distance.

The room is once again filled with silence. After awhile, Jay speaks.

"You shouldn't have done that." Jay sighs, picking at her food.

"Yes, he should've. I'm proud of you, little guy." Lee coos at Louis and nudges him playfully. Louis just eats his lamb chops with a blank face.


"Lou, wake up." Lee softly rubs his brother's back since it's a school morning and he needs to wake up before 7:00.

"Give me 5 minutes." Louis covers his face with a pillow as Lee opens the curtain, making the sunlight scatter all over the room.

"Come on, bubs. You're gonna be late for school."

Louis finally stands up and rubs his eyes. He stumbles over a red toy truck and holds his brother's hand for support. He leaves him and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a bath. He takes off his pyjamas.

He opens the faucet of the tub and tips his toes in to check the temperature. His brother knocks. "Lou, you okay in there?" He says behind the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Louis replies.


Louis finally arrives school. He quickly spots Liam outside the classroom. "Lou!" He runs up to Louis with a smile. "Hello!" He waves.

Louis half-smiles. They hangout all the time in school though they don't necessarily have anything in common. Liam likes science. Louis likes footie.

Liam doesn't like doing mischief since he claims it's 'dangerous'. Louis thinks he's boring and he doesn't really do anything aside from studying all day and being nice.

But at the end of the day, Liam was always there for him. Maybe, he's still actually his best friend.

But then, Louis likes Zayn better. He thinks Zayn is cool.

They hang out all the time when there's no school.

You see, Zayn is not really his classmate.

Zayn is also not his neighbour.

You're probably asking how they've met.

Well it started when Louis was in the grocery store with his brother. Jay asked Lee to do the grocery shopping since she needed to go to Ikea to buy furniture for their newly bought home.

Louis was walking around, looking for some almond milk, ordered by his brother. He saw this boy doing something...unusual. The boy was reaching into the freezer, almost like he wanted to enter it.

Louis was going to ignore him but then he felt obligated to help him. Never in a million years he would help someone..let alone a boy his age. He doesn't know why he wouldn't. He just thinks it's too nice of him.

He went towards the boy, placing the milk carton down to help the boy up the freezer in the dairy area.

He pushed the boy's ankles so he could easily have access to the freezer. "H-hey, what are you doing-don't" the boy was about to protest but then it was too late. He was already pushed into the other side of the freezer.

"You can thank me later." Louis said, "hey! Why did you push me? I was just getting some cheese." He said, muffled because of his situation.


Once Louis realised, Zayn was completely stuck. He tried helping him out—but it wasn't enough. They were both small. The freezer was deep.

Louis looked around to see a bunch of boxes filled with stuff. He tried carrying it but it was too heavy so he just pushed it towards the freezer so he could use it for elevation.

He climbed on it and reached for Zayn's small hand. Their hands slipped a couple of times because of how clammy Louis' hands were.

When Zayn was finally pulled out, his leg stepping out of the freezer. Louis immediately approached him.

They talked for awhile and then something clicked. They somehow got along very well. Louis can't explain it and neither can Zayn.

It just kinda happened.

Now, Zayn gets dropped by his mother in Louis' home every time he wants to. The fact that he lived in the other side of town didn't really stop him from visiting Louis.

They've been best friends ever since. Pretty weird friendship, I know.

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