F i f t y - s i x

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"Can I have the strongest one you have?"

Harry tries to ask the old man behind the bar. He looks at him and makes a face—a face of uncertainty.

"Are you sure you're legal? I'm not quite sure if it's just the youthful exterior or—"

Harry nods immediately and grabs his wallet, taking out his drivers' license as proof and giving it to the man. He squints, not really seeing the words on it quite well as he's nearly blind. He chuckles lightly, "wait a second—" He quickly puts on his reading glasses and sees a clearer picture.

"Huh—guess you really are. Kids sure do look younger nowadays. Lucky you." He raises a brow.

He quickly mixes up a drink and slides it towards Harry in a swift. It slightly spills in the corner, but Harry pays no mind as he tries the liquid, putting it against his lips and chugging away—his face contorting into a sour expression. "Eump—t-that's horrible." He carefully sets the glass down, shaking his head.

Harry furrows his eyebrows, wiping the stray curls away from his face. Harry doesn't usually drink—actually, it's the first time he's ever tried drinking a very strong drink. It's probably a bad idea—but then again, he makes very bad decisions. It's the usual.

He gives up and drops his head, caressing his rings and turning them around. He lifts his head up as he hears moans across the bar.

He sees a gay couple, grinding on each other, obviously wasted. Harry grumbles, getting reminded of his loneliness.

He gets a sudden urge of wanting to be fucked but then he waves it off. It will OBVIOUSLY not happen, obviously.

First of all, Tom is nowhere to be found.

Second of all, his current boyfriend is a bottom and it would take an eternity for him to convince him to top.

Third of all, I know what you're gonna suggest but Harry will certainly claim that it will never EVER happen. Ever.

Harry sighs and cards his hands through his hair, laying his head on the counter and staring away.


Harry immediately recognises the voice and rolls his eyes, spinning his body around to face him and slumping his back.

"What do you want?"

Louis tilts his head, "nothing just—checking you out—I mean-uhm—checking up on you—yes." He stutters, making Harry turn around and ignore him.

Louis closes his eyes and opens them again, blowing out air out of his cheeks. He sits on the stool beside Harry and peeks at him, letting him have a view of Harry just resting his chin on the counter and playing with his rings.

Harry annoyingly stares at him through the corners of his eyes. "Can you stop staring at me?"

"Geez, alright." Louis sits back and huffs.

He looks around, deciding he should smoke a bit to kill time. He fishes for his lighter and grabs a cigarette casually stuck between the flap of his left ear. He lights it up and sighs in relief.

Louis closes his eyes for a moment, as Harry's face crinkles in disgust. He immediately sits up and faces him completely, coughing.

"can—can you stop—doing that in front of me?" Harry says through coughs, his eyes getting watery.

Louis opens his eyes and slowly shakes his head, chuckling.

"Louis, cut it out." Harry groans, attempting to intimidate him.

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