T h i r t y - o n e

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The day finally comes to an end.

Harry and his mum talked it out, in the living room. Anne brings out cookies and milk to soothe Harry out of this. Anne explains to Harry that they will never be moving. Never. Harry, of course, believes his mummy. She never lies. Harry knows that.

Harry sips his warm milk throughout the whole conversation with his mummy. Robin also chimes in later on, blabbering about how moving homes will not be happening any time soon. Of course, Anne told him to change a bit about what he's saying. Just a bit. Just a little bit.

Harry finishes his glass of milk and settles it on the coffee table. Anne starts to notice his eyes drooping. Harry yawns as if on cue, making Anne stand up and ask if Harry's up for some rest. He nods.

Robin carefully carries Harry, putting his head on his shoulder. He climbs up the stairs while Anne follows behind him.

They walk quietly into Harry's room. Robin puts Harry on his bed, removing the blanket on the mattress to tuck him in.

He kisses his temple and steps back.

"I hope he won't take it too bad." Robin says, shaking his head slowly in disapproval. "We shouldn't have done this in the first place, Robin."

"We might have made him feel okay right now...but god knows how he would react tomorrow once he finds out." Anne sighs, rubbing her temples while looking at her little son, fast asleep, peaceful.

"I'm sure he'll be fine."


"Anne, get the car out of the driveway and all the boxes packed in the back. I'll go get Harry and I'm gonna go pretend that we'll be going to Disney world. We talked about this last night. It's gonna be fine."


"It's gonna be fine. We can't get him to go with us if he finds out. He can cry his eyes out in the new place once we're there. He can't do anything about it."

"That is so horrible. How could you say that?" Anne whispers and smacks his shoulder. Robin widens his eyes. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way but what I'm saying is that—we have to get going." Anne rolls his eyes.

"We are being reallyyy horrible parents right now." Anne sighs and starts packing up the boxes in the car trunk before Harry wakes up.

"Come on, squirt! Wake up." Robin caresses his little boy's cheek as he slowly stirs awake. His eyes blink up at his father, wiping them of and standing up. "G'morning, dad."

"Guess what?" Robin puts on a wide smile to make it more convincing.

"What?" Harry smiles softly, scratching his hair.

"We are going to Disney World. Isn't that exciting?"

"Woah! Really? I get to see mickey and-and the princesses! The princes too!" Harry claps his hands and squeels. "Can Louis come with?" He adds.

Robin suddenly feels guilty, "sorry, H. Can't."

"Come on now, get dressed. I'll be down stairs waiting." Harry pouts and nods.

Robin leaves. Harry decides to wear something cool for Disney World. He picks up a green frog patterned shirt and some pants.


Harry stumbles down the stairs as he sees all the furniture in tact. I guess they won't be actually moving. Harry smiles.

He quickly runs over to Louis's to tell him the exciting news. He opens the screen door leading to their kitchen.

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