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White walls
White ceilings
White furniture.

A White house just perfect for a pure couple.

The couple was us.
My Frank and I.

Our skin was pure as the snow, containing shades only Heaven's clouds could obtain.

It was like we could camouflage into this achromatic dwelling.

I bet we could entirely disappear in it if we wanted to;

Except for the dark brown wooden floors.

The contrast was almost,
Just almost,
Out of this world.

Ugh I always get terrible anxiety every time I publish a chapter of a story. There's always this voice in the back of my head saying people will hate my stories.

I just need to ignore it.

But I got the Madness album by SWS yesterday. I'm obsessed with it. Every song is beautiful.

Also, this story is meant to be poetic a little bit, but not entirely.

Reason is because I have a habit of rhyming sentences by accident, so most of the rhyming in this, or at least quite a bit of it, just came to me naturally.

Also, most chapters are gonna be really short.

Now that I have that cleared up, I hope you enjoy the rest of my story. <3


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